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I quicken my pace as I notice Maxon approaching, making sure to stay out of sight before he passes by.

But just as I turn the corner, he appears before me, almost like a ghost from a horror movie. He holds a helmet in one hand, his face still wearing the same scowl as always.

"What is it? Are you following me now?" I ask, tightening the straps of my backpack.

His expression grows even colder.

"You didn't see anything, got it?" he says slowly.

It takes me a moment to fully grasp what he's referring to, but it takes even longer for me to respond as I glance around and pretend ignorance.

"You got it?" he repeats.

Silence fills the air...

"Was that drugs?" I ask, unable to control my words that often betray my thoughts. It hasn't always served me well in life.

He turns his head to the side and licks his lips.

"That's none of your business."

Of course, it isn't, but only a fool wouldn't realize that the group of guys wasn't gathered there to trade Justin Bieber cards.

Now, I have nothing against Justin's trading cards—I went through that Belieber phase myself. And I understand that it's not my place to pry into their allegedly illegal and clandestine activities. It's just... I don't understand him. I truly don't.

Nothing confuses me more than looking at Maxon and realizing he's the son of Mrs. Karen, such a kind and stunning woman with impeccable manners and grace. Where did things go wrong? I can't find a logical explanation for him to be like this.

Aside from having a wonderful mother, he's incredibly wealthy, likely never facing any significant hardships in life. He must have a world of opportunities at his fingertips, yet he seems to disregard those advantages and choose a rebellious path.

"I don't understand," I shake my head. "You have everything, so many better opportunities in life. Why do you need this? Why... associate with those people? Why are you like this?"

At first, he appears taken aback by my audacity to lecture him. But his surprise quickly gives way to a mocking smile.

"How cute... you want to give me a life lesson now?" he mocks. "Listen here, girl, I don't care what you think, and I'm not interested in answering your questions. I just need you to keep your mouth shut, understood?" he says, locking his gaze with mine. Satisfied, he turns and walks back to his motorcycle parked by the curb.

Clearly, he believes he has managed to intimidate me in some way. But no, not yet. Not until I find out how far he's willing to go to silence me.

Oh, the bitter taste of curiosity. It's not just that, though; I didn't appreciate the tone he used to ask me for a favor. If I were in his position, I would try harder.

"And why would I do that?" I speak out, unable to resist.

Ever since I arrived in this place, he has treated me like dirt, belittling and mistreating me simply because I'm the daughter of a maid who works in his house. But what he doesn't know is that I can fight back when necessary, and this seems like the perfect opportunity.

He pauses for a moment, slowly turning to face me, much like a villain does when someone throws a pebble at their back.

That's when I begin to regret my words.

"You don't value your life much, do you?" He steps so close to my face that I can almost taste the gum in his mouth.

He holds my chin firmly.

A Bad Boy in my life Where stories live. Discover now