(14): Natagumo,and Kamados

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This part is basically episode 15 of season 1.
Then skip to the trial.💀.
Like go watch the fight with Rui.
Cause I'm not writing all that
"He mentioned she was asleep for 2 years, she's awake now" Sabito smiled.
"I've been spying on him for a while now... He's on a mission at the moment"
"Oh......I hope it's not too dangerous"
"But there's something more import–"
He was cut off by Giyuu's crow.


No one's POV:
Giyuu carefully stood up.
"It seems I have to leave Sabito..." By the distance in his voice... you could tell he didn't want to.
"I'll see you later."
He said before he walked away, and out the estate towards the ubuyashiki's.

"You did well to return" Kagaya said patting the now tired crow.....
"So, most of my children have been slaughtered?.....We might find the Twelve Kizuki there, then." "It seems I'll have to send in the Hashira." Kagaya continued very sadly.
This made both of his daughters turn towards the two hashiras sitting behind them quietly.

Without a second thought they both already knew the situation.

"Understood" they said simultaneously.
Shinobu was first to speak up.
"If only humans and demons could get along."
"Don't you agree, Tomioka-san?" She said half glaring at Giyuu. Who was actually getting the hang of controlling his form. So he looked human even if there was no light.

'that's impossible Kocho, as long as demons eat humans...' He thought to himself getting bad memories of seeing his sister's death.
Time skip to after Giyuu defeated Rui
now he's protecting the siblings
I changed some things 💀
Giyuu looked down surprised at the demon who Tanjiro was protecting "Nezu-"

Before he could say something more..

Tomioka could sense a presence coming there way. Having an accurate idea of who it was. Was proven, as they came speeding towards him. Quickly getting into stance he without a second thought blocked the insect hashira's attack towards Nezuko. Also known as. A demon.

Shinobu who noticed this was now in the air.
Landing on her feet a few meters away she spoke up.

"Ara~ ara~ Why would you get in my way Tomioka-san?" She asked with her smiling facade half glaring at the male. "Protecting your own kind now~? Just what side are you on~?"
She laughed slightly.
"Hm~ how should I put this..."
"This is exactly why...no one likes you, you know." She smirked.

Giyuu already knew that. He didn't need her to make his thoughts worse than they already were.

"Please move out of the way." Shinobu pointed her sword a them.

(I'm not adding the part where Giyuu says he's not disliked by people😭)

Shinobu sighed getting he wouldn't budge.
"Young boy!" She cleared.

"What you're protecting there is a demon. I don't want you to get hurt, so please move away" she said SMILING as usual.

Giyuu didn't like this conversation. He was not about to let her hurt Tanjiro's sister, but he couldn't step in due to Tanjiro already answering.

"Y-you're mistaken!" He looked down. "I mean....you're not mistaken, but....." "She's my little sister!" He started
"She's my little sister, so.... You see..."

Shinobu gasped not letting him finish, placing a hand over her mouth in the process.
"Is that true? Poor soul....In that case...... I shall use a gentle poison to kill her so she won't suffer"
Tanjiro's eyes shot open, as he tightened his gasp on nezuko. Giyuu also gripped his sword ready for anything she was gonna do knowing of her speed.

"Can you move?" Giyuu asked. "Make yourself move even if you can't" (💀)
"Take your sister, and run."
"Tomioka-san....." Tanjiro looked at the man in awe before nodding.
"Sorry for the trouble!" He quickly picked his sister up, and ran. "Thank you very much!"
Shinobu sighed twinging her sword around a bit. "Isn't that against the Corps rules?"
Giyuu glared at her.

"Alright" She said trying to head straight towards the direction the siblings went in. Still Giyuu wasn't going to let this happen, as quickly moved in front her.

"Move please" she smiled trying to attack Giyuu, but he dodged it sending them both back a few feet.

Shinobu glared at him, and he glared back.

"I see you're dead serious. Tomioka...Who would have thought a Hashira would ever defend a demon?" She said.
"But then again. You're her kind. You know?" She gave another deadly glare that hadn't moved Giyuu one bit.

"Though whether you're dead serious or not, I'm not going to join you in stalling for time" She stood up straight. "So, good day to you."

Once that was said. She disappeared. Just she didn't. Giyuu saw her move up in the trees. Following her movements surprised. He chased her, but not on the trees from the ground.
He was not gonna let her harm those siblings.

"Is that your attempt at catching up with me?" She looked back before jumping high in the air.
"I don't mind you trying to stop me! But don't forget about the other one!" She teased.

'other one?' Giyuu questioned, before also jumping high into the air. Which might I add. Surprised Shinobu.
"Stop it Kocho." He said loud enough for her to hear. "Nope!" Shinobu smiled.
Giyuu only sighed. They both were still in the air, so he took this as a chance to stop her.
By that I mean.
He grabbed her, and as they were falling onto the ground. He put her into a head lock, and due to her lack of strength. She couldn't get out of it.

She looked even more surprised before calming down.

"Tomioka...Are you listening, Tomioka?" "Since my attack was to slay a demon, and therefore justified,  I don't believe it could be construed as a violation."
She said quietly, as she was still in a chokehold. That wasn't really harming her due to Giyuu not using that much strength into this hold.
"But what you're doing is against the Corps rules. You're preventing me from slaying a demon. Just what are your intentions here?"

Giyuu stared at her for a second before putting on a face of annoyance.
The quietness made a tick mark pop up on her face "Don't you have anything to say demon? This is final warning. Give me a reason at least traitor." Giyuu still have a face of annoyance on.

"As I recall, it was two years ago" He started just to be shut down by shinobu. "Please don't start some long, rambling story from that far back in time. Are you just being spiteful?"

"Ah I get it! Are you perhaps still angry I pointed out how no one likes you?"
Giyuu already knew that, but it still hurt.
"Alright demon" She smiled lifting her foot behind her back about to stab Giyuu in the face with the secret needle she had hidden in her zōri sandal's heel, but before she could finish the job a crow came screaming
"CAW CAW!! I have a message from headquarters! CAW CAW!!" 
"Tanjiro, and Nezuko are to be taken into custody, and brought back to headquarters!! CAW CAW!!"

.........Giyuu sighed in relief.
Shinobu sighed as well. When Giyuu finally let her out of the head lock.

Him and Shinobu sheathed their sword, and started to walk away in the same direction.
"Bring them back!! BEING THEM BACK!! CAW CAW!!"

"Hm~ I see. I guess the demon is to be brought back....So fun Two demons~"

This contains mistakes I won't fix(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚//𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐠𝐲𝐮𝐮Where stories live. Discover now