Welcome to the OC House (Part 2) (FINAL)

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(Meanwhile, Delilah and Clara come back with Clara's sister's, Jake, the mane 6, the chipmunks, the chipettes, Gumball, Darwin, Anais, Lawrence, Milo, Bea and Oscar to the OC house)

Gumball: Wait, that's the place?

Clara: Very much.

Pinkie Pie: Ooh, it's so pink.

Rarity: A little too pink.

Delilah: Heh, heh. Yeah....

Anais: Um, isn't it the same as the House of Mouse? (Points to the House of Mouse)

Clara: Um, yeah but it's for the toons that aren't from that category!

Oscar: Well, maybe it's great on the inside.

(They go inside and are amazed by the surroundings, and they all repeat "Hommina")

Generous: Welcome to the OC House!!!!

Thunder: (Appears wearing a bowtie) Table for Hommina? I can seat you immediately!

Catherine: (Whispering) How did you do all this?

Thunder: It was easy, once I cleared my mind.

Generous: Um Thunder, what about Evelyn and Miss Crazy?

Thunder: Taken care of.

(Miss Crazy and Evelyn are tied up and gagged in the back)

Thunder: Right this way, please. (Seats everyone quickly)

(Then the mane 6 are seated without a chair at first, but Thunder then rushes back to give them some chairs to sit on)

Thunder: Good evening, ladies. The show will start in 10 minutes so in the meantime you can have something to bite. (Gives them a menu) From our menu tonight, might I recommend the salad?

(He brings some salads for the mane 6 and Applejack takes a bite)

Applejack: Mmm... this is fantastic!

Thunder: (Winks) Thank you, mam.

Generous: Pinch me, I must be dreaming. (Bong pinches her with a pin) Ow!

Thunder: If you need anything else, just call.

Generous: Thunder, I can't thank you enough for all you're doing!

Thunder: Fine dining and breathing are all I know how to do. (Takes a deep breath and runs off)

Generous: It worked. I can't believe it! Now every other toon will have a good time! (Approaches the mane 6) Say hello to the owner of the OC house.

Twilight Sparkle: You're the owner? Then you really did a great job!

Generous: Thanks. (Thunder passes by) You girls probably know Thunder, right?

Thunder: (Stops) Huh?

Generous: Thunder, remember Twilight and her friends?

Thunder: Uh... Beef Wellington?

Generous: (Chuckles) No, do you remember Twilight? And her friends?

Thunder: Uh... uh... the fork on the left?

Generous: Heh. Stop joking. Tell me you know their names.

Thunder: Their names?

(Zoom inside of Thunder's brain again where all the Thunders are trying to search for a name)

Smaller Thunder #3: (As he checks file cabinets) What's their names?! What's their names?! I've got nothing on a name!

Smaller Thunder #4: (Pressing a key on a keyboard connected to a computer) Come on, baby, what's the names?! (The computer bursts into flames. Panicked shouting is heard from other smaller Thunders as they are running wildly around while papers are flying)

Smaller Thunder #5: We threw out their name!

(More smaller Thunders begin to run around while more papers are flying. Thunder's brain then breaks in half. Thunder stamms for a moment. Then he splashes water on Fluttershy and then starts to bark)

Generous: Oh, I am so very sorry! I don't know what has gotten into that... (Screams as she notices Thunder with a bowl of hot soup by Milo)

Thunder: More soup for your armpits? (Holds up Milo's arm and throws the soup on his armpits as he screams in pain) Please enjoy the food! (Slams Brittany's face into her food then runs up to Darwin) Would you like some cheese on that, son?! (Pulls out a cheese grater, picks him up and grates his butt with it as Darwin screams)

Bong: Not to worry, Bong is here to save the day. (Plays some loud instruments panicking everyone)

Generous: (Frightened) Oh, no. No, this is not happening..... This can't get any worse.

(Miss Crazy, still tied up, runs out of the kitchen, screaming. And Evelyn, still tied up, also runs of the kitchen)

Evelyn: Run for your lives, everyone! It's the appetizer!

(The appetizer, which has now come to life, bursts through the door and roars, sending Evelyn flying. Everyone screams and panic. They crash through the windows and the door, running away. Later, the oc's have gathered around with Thunder still freaking out)

Thunder: (Breathes heavily) All these squares make a circle.... All these squares make a circle....

Silver: There, there.

Bong: Calm down buddy.

Generous: I'm so embarrassed.

Rose: I don't know that there are words to adequately express how truly sorry we are.

Generous: No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't think any of this through, I thought I had everything but I didn't. Now, no one will come to the OC House after this disaster....

Little Miss Crazy: Ohhhh, yes, they will. We are the perfect team for this! We were just doing the wrong jobs!

Rose: I will go out and bring the crowd! You stay here and make sure this place is every bit as unique and rustic as it was the moment we walked in!

Catherine: And? What about us?

Generous: For you young ladies, does a part time job sound good for you? Let's make whatever we want and make a lot of it! And this time, we're gonna do it right!

(Soon, Rose was holding a sign and walked down the streets for everyone to see)

Rose: Come, come to the OC house! All fun's waiting there!

(Many fictional characters from other media like DreamWorks and Illuminations saw her and decided to go to the OC House. Meanwhile, the rest of the oc's were preparing the OC House for the reopening. After hours of preparing, they were done)

Generous: It's almost time! Is everybody ready for the grand re-re-opening?

Thunder: You know we are!

(At that night it was all a success. All the non-Disney characters had a fun time at the OC House after the show)

Generous: Well, everybody that's our show. Thanks for being here at the "OC House". I wish you all a safe trip home!!!!!!!

(Every Non-Disney character clap, as Generous went backstage)

Generous: What a great show!!!!!

Terence: Meow.

Thunder: Just great GC? This was wonderful!!!!!

Delilah: We totally blew this out of the water!!!

Generous: I would never have done this without you guys, even if we did had some shenanigans along the way. Sometimes, all we need to do is believe in our dreams. And when we finally reach our goal, we'll know that it was worth what it took to get there, because the view will be even better than you imagined! (Smiles)

The end

The greatest oc's the series: Season 1 (Update)Where stories live. Discover now