The great car race

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(Somewhere in Toontown, Thunder Mcrush was waiting for the mailman to come)

Thunder: C'mon, he's never late. I'm already to go, where is he? (Sees his vehicle coming) Ah, here he comes. Bring it on, show me what you got! Here we go.

(The mailman come out as the theme of "The good the bad and the ugly starts to play in the background. The mailman looked at Thunder very nervous as he put mail in the mailbox as Thunder was preparing himself. Once the mailman closes the mailbox, he quickly ran to his vehicle and starts to leave. Thunder starts following him running besides him, when suddenly he saw a female pink car with light blue eyes on the distance and gets distracted until he crashes at a tree)

Mailman: Yoo-hoo, that's what I'm talking about baby!

Thunder: Darn it! I almost had him today.

(Then the oc girls arrive)

Generous: Hi Thunder, are you chasing mailmans again?

Thunder: No, I was practicing.

Little Miss Crazy: Oooh, that's a good practice.

Thunder: You guys won't believe what I saw today. I saw the most beautiful car in my life. She was pink and had light blue eyes. I haven't talked to her yet but... (Sees her) There she is! (Points at her)

Generous: (Sees her with her friends) Wow, she's pretty.

Silver: Looks like Thunder's got a special one.

??????: Pfft. Dream on Mcrush. She would never hang out with someone like you!

(The oc's turned around and saw a yellow race car with a black hat, brown eyes fire stickers red wheels and a number 35 on his sides)

Thunder: (Gets angry) Sparky!!!!

Sparky: Missed me?

Generous: Um, Thunder, you know this guy?

Thunder: Yes, I do! He's Sparky Crashman the most fake champion of all!!!!

Bong: Fake?

Thunder: He always cheats to win!!!! And I always loose usually from him!

Sparky: That's because I'm number one and you're number two.

Thunder: You big cheater!

Sparky: Now, if you excuse, I have to go and continue my training.

Twistar: Training?

Sparky: For Piston's race!!!! I'll be winning this Sunday.

Generous: Sunday?

Thunder: Just wait Sparky!!!! I'll show you that I'm number one this time, I'll finally win at that race!!!!!

Sparky: We'll see about that, Mcrush. (Leaves)

Generous: You know what? I'm starting to get the idea that Sparky thinks he's better than you, Thunder.

Catherine: No!

Thunder: Girls, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Little Miss Crazy: No...

Thunder: I'm thinking about entering in that race and beating Sparky Crashman once and for all! Looks like I'm going to start my training now, ladies!

Generous: And show, to that cheater that cheating bullies never win!

(Soon, Miss Crazy starts making a drink for Thunder)

Little Miss Crazy: Kelp powder for muscle mass. Raw eggs, 'cause they're cliché. And nails for toughness. (Drops the ingredients in the blender. Then she turns on the blender)

The greatest oc's the series: Season 1 (Update)Where stories live. Discover now