Make new friends but keep Thunder

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(Somewhere, In Toontown, on a park, Thunder and Generous were chatting as usual)

Thunder: Ohoho, but that's not all! When I went to look for them again, they were on the shelf!

Generous: (Laughs) Oh, Thunder, I've never known anybody as funny as you! I love that story about the time you tried to train your wheels... (Giggles) ...for the Priston race! (Giggles) Oh, I do love our Tuesday meetings, and I can't wait for you to meet my new friend Magical Page. She's going to love you too.

Thunder: Magical Page?

Generous: Yeah, she's an old friend of mine.

Thunder: How nice for you.

Generous: We're all gonna have so much fun together at the House of Mouse!

Thunder: Oh, I was wondering when you were going to ask me. I'd love to.

Generous: Oh. Oh, no. Um, I'm afraid I've already asked Magical, and Sunny will come too. I'm sorry, Thunder. Were you not invited?

Thunder: (Tries not to get angry) Who, me? It probably got lost in the mail. No biggie. Well, gotta go!

Generous: But we just begun our talking.

Thunder: Well, I guess we're just going to talk later in the party this time. Oh, did I say that out loud? I mean, ta-ta. (Leaves)

(In Ponyville, at Generous' house, Terence was sleeping peacefully in his bed until he saw Thunder glaring at him)

Terence: (Meows in surprise)

Thunder: Where's GC?!

Terence: Uh, she's in Toontown, helping Mickey Mouse!

Thunder: (Leaves)

Terence: (Crawls up in his bed)

(Meanwhile, at the oc house, the other oc's were having their own meeting)

Rose: Oh, your first meeting in the House of Mouse! The excitement, the anticipation! I wouldn't miss this for all the fun!

Thunder: (Breaks the doors down, but immediately calms down) I don't suppose that, uh, you adorable pretty ladies will go without me, are you?

Rose: Ahem! To answer your rather rude question, we will go with you, maybe.

Thunder: (Annoyed) Yes, yes, yes, I believe I got that! (Leaves)

(Meanwhile, In Dillydale, Miss Crazy was selling some sweets to a customer in her candy store)

Little Miss Crazy: Have a wonderful, special, fantastic day! (Sees Thunder) Oh, hi, Thunder. Want some cake? I can give you a list of all the flavors we have in order of most delicious to incredibly, unbelievably delicious!

Thunder: Actually, Miss Crazy, who are you taking to... I mean, do you... eugh, oh, you know what? I am famished. I'll take all the cakes.

Little Miss Crazy: All of them?! (To the audience) He wants all of the cakes! (Starts packing the cakes)

Thunder: Well, I'll need all my energy at the House of Mouse, if I decide to go that is. Oh, by the way, are you bringing anybody?

Little Miss Crazy: Oh, of course! I was gonna ask Mr. Happy, because he's, you know, my friend, but it turned out he didn't have the time to go, so I started asking around and around and around, and I couldn't think of anybody, and I was about to just go by myself, and I realized, of course! Who loves fancy exciting affairs more than anybody else? My good friend Miss Heartfelt!

The greatest oc's the series: Season 1 (Update)Where stories live. Discover now