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Days of the fire pass, most of it I spend in a haze. I have the memories of what is going on but am too drunk on lust to recognize them. Flashes run through my mind between the fire raging through me.

Tristan and I have just finished another round which means my head is clearest, though the time between has been growing shorter and shorter. We are sitting up, still connected, and I draw patterns on one side of his chest and lie my head on the other, panting heavily.

"How are you feeling, Little One?" he always asks me this, every time. There has always been something scratching at the back of my head—something I am forgetting—but I never tell Tristan that.

"I'm good," I breathe out, still trying to catch my breath. I can feel him still twitching inside me—still spilling inside. I've grown used to the feeling and, considering this is the only downtime I get, have grown to enjoy it.

"Are you hungry? Food should be coming soon." If there is one thing I have learned about Tristan, it's that he is very attentive—always making sure that I have everything I need.

As if on cue, a knock sounds on the door. Tristan allows them in and the door opens, showing Elena, a wolf a little older than Rose whose chosen mate lives in the palace as well. She works in the kitchen and has been coming every day with food. Tristan moves the blankets up on me a little more, covering my lower half, and I tuck myself into him.

The room reeks of heat and Elena and her mate had been chosen and given a room near us so that when she leaves, her mate is the one nearby to...respond to those residual heat pheromones. I can't imagine her coming out of this experience not pregnant herself.

Much like me.

That thought sobers me and I frown, stopping my hand on Tristan's chest. I don't hear much of the conversation between the two. I have been trying to avoid thinking about that—the thought paralyzes me every time.

"Fate? Fate?" Tristan's hand reaches under my chin pulling my head up and I vaguely hear the door closing. My eyes meet his and it takes everything in me to not look away, a fight I lose as my eyes drift away. "What's wrong?"

How do I talk about this to him? I don't want to even talk about it with myself. I sigh, "Nothing," I lie. I think he knows when I do this because he just huffs and pulls me into his chest again, running his hand up and down my back.

Tristan takes his time feeding. He always has to do it by hand—controlling what I take and when. He has made a game out of it. I have always been fed all that I wanted, just with someone deciding how fast.

When I have been fed all that I can eat, I sigh and lay into him again, still connected. "Are we going to talk about what has been troubling you, Little One?" I don't want to talk about anything, just lie in this moment.

"No," I mumble, hoping that is enough. He takes my nonanswer and lies back, pulling me with him. I continue drawing lazily on him, content in my LaLa land.


Tristan groans, stretching out underneath me. Our muscles have groan stiff from lack of movement and I am not sure what time it is. I do know that it has been longer than usual since a flare-up. I can still feel the fire but it feels far away.

The room smells different and I lift my head up to try to get a better smell, only to scrunch my nose slightly. "It's ending," Tristan says, noticing my face, "The smell will sour to deter others."

"Oh," is all I manage, not sure how to respond to that statement. I remain quiet for a while longer, feeling some eminent sense of dread but it felt far enough away.

"I like you like this," Tristan speaks randomly and I pop my head up to look at him. Of course, he liked this, it was uninterrupted time with a female in heat—a breeder in heat. He could fuck me all he wanted, whenever he wanted; it was every male's dream. As if reading my mind, he continues, "You seem so much happier and open. I just...," The look in his eyes tells me that he is searching for the right thing to say, "I want you to be happy, and it seems like being here isn't helping."

The way Tristan gets concerned is so cute. I smile at the thought of how much he cares, then place a gentle hand on his chest, "I'm happier here than I have been in a long time."

I had hoped that my statement would satisfy him, but it doesn't. He just sighs and looks down, not at me but at himself, "But you would be happier elsewhere."

He speaks as if he knows, but he doesn't—I don't even know, "I've not been many places. It is nice here. I have Rose and Eva and I find ways to occupy myself." I pause, unsure if I should continue, "And I have you. And you make so much of it good...and...," I bite my lip, nervous," and you make me happy."

Tristan just smiles to himself. "As soon as I can, I am taking you to see places, you deserve to see the world." I just laugh at his lofty promise. He sniffs the air, "Can I make a selfish request?" I nod, slowly. "Let me have you," he squeezes me to his chest, "Just one more time, let me have you and show you pleasure. I want you to end with a good, happy memory."

I bite my lip and nod. Then, without words, I give myself to him.  



A few things:

1) this chapter is pretty short, I am sorry. A few things contribute to that. I mostly needed to end her heat but didn't have a good way to do that. I have been dying over summer school and crying over chem so that hasn't helped either.

2) sorry this is so late. I was really mentally blocked and, once again, summer school—it's kicking my ass.

3) I have been meaning to say this for a while but thank you for 15k reads. I never thought this story would get so many. This just started as a mix of my maladaptive daydreaming, shit-posting, and ~smexy~ things. So once again thank you so much to everyone who has even looked at this.

Anyways, let me know what you think.

See ya soon,

Abbey J

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