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Ithil is numbly aware of himself as he and Legolas (whose hand he was still clutching with a death grip) exit the mines.

He is numbly aware of slumping his aching body against the stone, Legolas taking a similar position beside him.

He is numbly aware of slipping the jade necklace back on and sound returning to the world.

He lets for a moment his head fall into his hands as he digs his teeth deep into his lip. Then with all the strength he can muster he shoves all that he just witnessed to the back of his mind.

Into a corner to be ignored until later where he can process it without fear of being attacked by orcs. These lands were not safe after dark, he knew this well. They had to get moving.

He pulls himself up lethargically, offering his hand to the blond (but no mock bow or playful remark follows it this time only a melancholy smile)

He checks his belongings, just to have something to do. All 4 daggers are accounted for, The spear is still tied haphazardly on his back (he's not sure how it managed not to fall off) and his small belt pouch is still there. his navy cloak of course had been ruined but the steel armour he wore underneath was of elvish make and therefore not even scrached.

Callon (who made her own way out as mentioned before) scampered out from where she had been hiding amongst the rocks.

He knelt and picked her up,

"I knew you'd find me again" he whispered picking her up and placing her on his shoulder.

He sighed before remembering his prior thoughts... 'this land will be full of orcs by dusk'

He again makes eye contact with his brother who is cleaning his sword, no words are passed between them but the message is clear.

"Ithil, Legolas get them up" he commands but Boromir protests Immediately,

"give them a moment for pity's sake!"

Although Ithil agreed he simply shook his head as Aragorn voiced his thoughts for him

"By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with Orcs, We must reach the woods of Lothlorien." he said his tone sad but firm, "Come, get them up."

And so Boromir, Gimli, Legolas, and Ithil did as they were told and managed to at least get the disheartened hobbits on their feet.


It wasn't a long trek before the woods of Lothlorien came into view, Ithil knew then well (as he did with most elf kingdoms)

He ran within the middle of the pack (Aragorn in the far front and the hobbits at the back) but like he often did, gravitated to be close to or next to the member of the fellowship he got on best with. Although he loved Aragorn dearly and cared very much about the well-being of the others, Legolas was simply just the member he drifted towards most (maybe because of their shared heritage or maybe because fate willed it so).

To be continued

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