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The pass of Caradhras was just a awful as Ithil remembered. No infact he thought it might be worse.

The wind was harsh. And the snow was hard to traverse for the non elves.

Callon squirmed from her hiding place within his cloak.

Out of the corner of his eye Ithil saw frodo slip on some shale, to his horror he then realised the ring had been dropped. And picked up by Boromir.

"Boromir" Aragorn called unsure

"It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing...such a little thing." he whispered under his breath as if in a trance.

Seeing where this was going, and Aragorns hand apon the hilt of his sword, Ithil turned back to where they stood, using his height as he stood atop the snow he snatched the ring (by the chain) from the mans hand.

Once the ring was in his grasp he promptly shoved the thing into Frodos hands as swiftly as he could manage willing himself not to think abound the great power now in his fingertips. For if he did he feared he would not be able to let it go.

"right. Lets go" he sighed whiping the sweat from his palms onto his trousers. The ring bearer and all those who had been close enough to witnessed this stared in wonder and shock but Ithil payed it no mind.


The snow was thick. The men had taken to carrying the hobbits as the snow was now to deep for them to traverse. Legolas and Ithil though able to walk atop the snow due to being so light, where now at risk of being blown completely of the mountain.

A sharp wind all of a sudden cut through the air, so strong it forced the men to bend their heads down.

Ithils eyes opened wide as he saw Legolas sway.

He was stood to close to the edge.

Swiftly Ithil launched him self forward. dagger in one hand, he dug it into the stone of the mountain before pulling Legolas to him. firmly archoring them to the wall.

"there is a fell voice in the air!" the elf shouted allowing himself to be pulled deeper into Ithil's cloak their arms now intertwined underneath the soft fabric.

To which if asked about later they would reply that they where simply cold, Even though they where both elves and therefor probably not as cold as they claimed.

"its saruman" a shout came from Gandalf.

Ithil pulled Legolas closer yet as shale and rock fell from above. despite the tips of his ears going pink from the proximity (which he would later blame on the cold weather yet again)

'He's trying to bring down the mountain. Gandalf! We must turn back" Aragorn yelled voice hoarse from shouting.

"NO! Ithil help me, we must fight back" Gandalf protested, raising his staff.

"Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho I ruith" he chanted into the gloom.

"Post hi, glennbar nacín silmr. N sa-l ayir na ninhu" Ithil continued, screamimg into the vast mist til his throat was numb. Blue viens travelled along his arms and up his neck as his magic was 'activated'

But Saurmans voice grew only stronger, a blast of lightning explodes on the mountainside. The hobbits looked up in terror as snow cascaded down around them.

Ithil gripped tighter to legolas as they were smothered in an ice blanket. This time it is the blonde who pulls them from their cold grave.

"thank you for earlier" he whispered a gentle smile across his face. Ithil smiled back, his ears becoming impossibly more red.

"thank you too" he whispered back.

To be continued

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