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Days turned into weeks and the journey loomed ever closer. while the fellowship seemed to become reluctant to leave the comfort of Rivendell, Ithil became more eager to leave with every passing day. He had never rested from his journey this long and was becoming uncomfortable at Elrond following his every move and becoming more worried at Ithis's eating and sleeping habits, both things he rarely did.

His vision was blocked still by Sauron, he was now only able to peer hours into the future and when he did he could only grasp a vague feeling or a couple of words.

His, of course, alarmed him greatly. He was so used to seeing all this lack of foreseeing made him uncomfortable.

"Tye havn mát- síra (you haven't eaten today)" Elrond chides,

"Lende me er (leave me alone)" He muttered

"Tye sul n- as i oes, lótesse cainen ni woyl lende tye (you should be with the others, maybe then i would leave you)" he suggests placing a kind hand on the shoulder of the shorter

"Ni pefe mime her- companime (i prefer my own company)" Ithil protests shaking off Elrond's hand
"A lea eques namárië ana Arwen (at least say goodbye to Arwen)" he pleads, Ithil nods before parting ways with the older elf.


He indeed makes his way to the clearing Arwen favors to sit in, to his dismay she is not alone but sitting with the blonde elf.

"Seler, ni have túl ana bi- tye namárië (Sister i have come to bid you farewell)" he says once in earshot of her, she turns to him smiling widely

"Otorno! Care- túl sitt as us (brother, do come sit with us)" she calls so sweetly, Ithil finds he cannot refuse

He kneels awkwardly on the ground between the elves and stares nervously at the floor ahead of him wishing it would open up and swallow him whole.

"-s, ithil, nimeár- ê -o tye ( so Ithil tell me of yourself)" Legolas suggests attempting to make conversion with the anti-social elf

Immediately Ithils feels the tip of his ears go pink as the attention focuses on him,

"Ni osán- tye mih hir ithil na- rar a mysterime en ana tai man sinte so ehtelë ( i think you might find Ithil is quite a mystery even to those who know him well)" Arwen says with a laugh as Ithil breaths a sigh of relief,

"Mal ilya man sinte hi cast- ana ae on er nat, so na- stane! (but all who know him tend to agree on one thing, his strangeness!)" she continued now laughing heartily, delivering a swift kick to her brothers side. Her brother however fails to find this amusing, infact he finds it hard to think this conversation is anything but mortifying

"So na- rahr a melima otorno,Onece tye et vanwie i nique- exero (he is quite a loveable brother, once you get past that cold exterior)"

"Ke tye pinins ana tye -sef, melin seler.(keep your opinions to your self, dear sister)" muttered Ithil hauling himself off the ground,

"Ni indóme n- -esse i sparu-undu shou tye maure ê  (i shall be in the training grounds, should you need me)" and with that, he fled the clearing

To be continued

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