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Though Ithil had left in a hurry, Arwen made no move to go after her brother. Legolas who laid idly at his feet got the impression this happened a lot.

"Nimeár- me, whime na- ithil na- nique-? (tell me, why is Ithil so cold?)" said Legolas from his position on the ground,

"So mas ehtelë, reallime, so na- a valief otorno. So pâers nique- ar uarig mal na- a dese mehais. Oce tye rucs- ter- his nique- exior, so na-. I... kindest mellon. So wod fírima an i fê so lëvë. So loyl... Ta loyl. (He means well, really, he is a great brother. He appears cold and uncaring but its a defense mechanism. Once you break through his cold exterior, he is.... The kindest friend. He would die for the few he loves. Hes loyal... Too loyal.)" Arwen whispers, as if the information was for Legolas's ears only,

"Váre- hîm... An ê...Nibëg(protect him... For me... Please)" she begs

Legolas nods solemnly, his mind wondering quite how he was supposed to protect a mam whom avoided him.


Ithil had a knack for going unnoticed. Only seen by those who where truly looking for him.

Which is why no elves, keen as their sight may be, noticed him lingering around the training grounds.

He sat silently with a quil and simple leather-bound book in hand, observing a spar between 2 elven warriors. The quil in his hand scetched furiously, though miraculously he never needed to dip it into any ink.

"Ni pole- feal tye tir- ( i can feel your gaze)" he said without looking up,

"what did he say?" a small vpice whispered

"i dont know but he didnt soumd very happy" another replied

Ithil looked up to see two of the hobbits. He Immediately felt guilt claw at his gut. These were merely children in his eyes after all.

"im sorry, i thought you where an elf" he apologized in common tongue this time, "what do you need?"

The hobbits whispered uncertain between each other for a time before one blurted out,

"can we pet your weasel! We've never seen one before"

As if on the cue the 'weasel' scampered down from the elfs shoulder and sat waiting for the hobbits to shower it in the affection it loves so much.

"pine martin. She a pine martin, very affectionate too." Ithil corrected gently, watching the hobbits stroke his companion gently.

Callon surprisingly behaved. Not once did she nip at the hobbits fingers, even when there hands pulled knots in her fur. Ithil sighed quietly content that he seemed to be forming relationships with the other members of the fellowship, even if it was with the help of his companion.

Seeminly satisfied that the hobbits posed no danger he simply went back to scetching and left them to their own devives.

A smile echted on his lips slowly, the hobbits (who had never seen this mysterious man smile before) looked on in wonder as a small laugh fell from the olders lips.

To be continued

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