Part 1: Birth

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''Sasuke! Sasuke!'' Naruto yelled to his husband in the bed.

''What?'' Sasuke asked.

When Sasuke turned around to face Naruto, he saw Naruto was breathing fastly an holding his belly.

It took a few seconds to proceed what was happening.

''Are...are they coming?'' Sasuke asked.

Naruto glared at his husband with a bit of panic in his eyes.

''Teme, what do you thin- AGHH!!'' Naruto yelled.

Menma came into the room at the same time.

''W-What's happening!?'' Menma yelled.

Sasuke quickly got out of the bed and put on his normal ninja clothes and went to Naruto and picked him up, bridal style.

''We need to go to the hospital!'' Sasuke yells and runs Naruto downstairs.

Menma runs to his room and puts on his ninja clothes and ran downstairs to his parents.

Sasuke used chakra to run faster to the nearest hospital.

Menma catched up really fast and they ran with a screaming in pain Naruto until they arrived.

''THEY'RE COMING! THE BABIES!'' Menma yelled to all the people who worked in the hospital.

They were staring at Menma.

''Not my babies, Mama's!!!'' Menma yelled and then 3 people took action.

3 nurses took a hospital bed and rolled it over to Naruto.

Sasuke laid Naruto down carefully.

''S-Sasuke can come t-to right?'' Naruto asked the nurse.

She shook her head.

''Unfortunately not.'' She said.

''AGHHH!!''  Naruto yelled out in pain once again and the nurses and doctors took Naruto to a hospital room.

''Take deep breaths, Sir Hokage, everything will be alright!'' The nurse told Naruto as she took some gloves.

''AGHHHH IT HURTS!!'' Naruto cried out in pain.

Menma was worried.

He could clearly hear Naruto yell in pain and he couldn't do anything to help.

''Menma, everything will turn out alright. It is just very painful when it is four babies coming it's way.'' Sasuke explains to his son and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Menma looked worringly at the hospital room with his mama in there.

''AGHHH!!! GET THEM OUT OF ME!!'' Naruto cries out.

''Please fetch more nurses to room 51!'' The nurse calls in the telephone.

1 more nurse comes in.

''Where are the doctor!?'' The first nurse asks the second one who came in.

''I thought he was here!'' The other nurse yelled.

''I DON'T CARE WHO IT IS, TAKE THESE BABIES OUT!!! AGHHHH!!'' Naruto yell out in pain again which make the nurses jump.

''Okay I did learn how to do this, so back off.'' The first nurse says and puts on a glove as she walks closer to Naruto.

''The key is to be calm and push hard, as if you are on the toilet.'' The nurse says and smiles.

Her attempt to make the Hokage laugh at that failed as Naruto yelled out again.

''Take deep breaths, sir! Inhale....and then....exhale.'' the nurse explained.

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