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I sat on the couch while the man sat in a separate chair.

I was looking down the whole entire time. Especially after that... 'scene' I did a little while ago... I'm still embarrassed about it. "You're alright, dear?" I hear him. "Yeah..." I say. "I'm... alright..." In reality, I'm not. I hear the man get up and walk over to me. I felt a hand gently touch my face. "Hey. You don't have to lie." he spoke softly and deep. "I know something's upsetting you." He pull his hand away and sat next to me. I cover my face. "I... I didn't mean to... cause that scene... in front of you....." "Oh... No, honey. It's okay." he said, touching my shoulder. "I understand. You just needed a little help. That's all." I pat his hand and nod.

I face the man. As always, I saw him heavily blurred. I look at him up and down. No, not in a rude way. I wanted to see what outfit he had on. He was wearing black at the top and black at the bottom. My eyes water. 'Wish I know how he looked...' Unwillingly, I softly touch his face. Strangely, his cheek felt cold. But I guess it's from the air or something. I didn't mind. I recognize the man wasn't speaking. I quickly pull my hand away and blush. "Oh... I'm so sorry..." "Oh no. Don't apologize, sweetie. I know you were just curious." Still though, I thought it was rather impolite. But if he says so, I'll believe him.

"What's your name?" I ask him. "I'm Jerry." he said. Ah. Jerry is his name. I'll remember that. I gently let out my hand, offering a handshake. I felt his hand lock with mine and I gently shook it. "Nice to meet you..." I wonder if this wrong... Because of what Charley said about him... But I wanted to know more about Jerry. "You're... new around here?" I ask. "I am, yes." I nod. He must be new around this area. "How long were you blind?" he asks me.

I didn't want to cry in front of him. I inhale deeply and exhale lightly. "Three years..." I close my eyes and look down. I lightly shut my eyelids, trying not to cry. "Oh my..." I hear Jerry. "Did... something tragic... happen to you?" I didn't answer. However, I was really determined to tell him about my past. I stand up and walk to a window. I stare at the dark, blurred view. "I... was involved... in a car accident. And it left me... like this. My parents... were both killed. And... I was... left blinded..." I ball my hand into a fist. I didn't want my temper to get the best of me. I proceed to tell him the rest of my past. Yeah, everything. But you already know my story. "Life's just... too fucked up at this point..."

I wipe my tears. I hear him approach from behind. I turn around. Jerry didn't say anything. I sigh and put my head down.

"You probably don't understand..."

I wait for his response. Then I felt a pair of arms gently wrap around me, pulling me into a hug. I was shocked. "I understand, (Y/N)." he told me softly. I hug him back and lay my head on his collarbone. I didn't let go. "You're just different. That's all." I sigh.
"I don't like being different. Lucky you can see, and I can't." I felt him gently caress my back. "I know, I know. But I think you're rare." Thinking it was a joke, I chuckle. "You think I'm rare? Jerry, don't lie."

"Believe me, (Y/N)." he said. "I've never met anyone as rare as you." I shot my eyes open and blush. "You think so?" He release from me. "Yes." I blink. Is it flirting? Or friendly? I'll go with friendly since I've just met him. "That's... nice of you to say that." But I still don't think I'm rare. And I dislike being different. I am, yes. I'm blind. Not saying it's a good thing because it comes with tough challenges. Am I used to it? Yes, and no. But... it fucking sucks, man. I hate it.

"Let's go outside, Jerry. We need some air." I suggest. I walk past him. "Hey. I don't think you should walk alone like that. You'll hurt yourself." I wave my hand, reassuring him. "No, I'm alright—" I bump into something and fall. Well, he guessed correctly. Luckily I wasn't hurt. I wanted to scream and cuss, but I don't want to embarrass myself again. I slowly got up. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?" I look away, feeling shy. "I guess so..." He softly touches my face. "You don't have to be afraid to ask for help, dear." I was still afraid to. Not just because, it's just that I don't trust him.

Remember what Charley told me? He might be a... Oh, I rather not say it.

Before I can say something, I stand still. "What? What is it, dear?" I didn't answer Jerry. I felt like someone coming close to my house. Serene's on her way. I touch his arm. "You better go home. My friend is coming back. If she finds you here with me, she'll kill me. I'm not supposed to let strangers in the house." I let go of him. "Alright, dear. I understand. It was nice hanging out with you." I nod nonchalant. "No problem. Good night."

"Just one more thing..."

"What is it, Jerry?" I say. I felt him move closer to me. I found it creepy, but it didn't bother me.

"Don't believe a word Charley says..."

I hear him leave. Don't believe Charley, huh? Just like how Charley told me everything about this man. Yeah, about being a vampire. Thought that was some make-believe stuff.

It seems like I can't trust anyone at this point.

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