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For the past several days, Jerry has been... seeing me. Like almost every day of the week.

Or night, usually. How come that bastard friend of Charley's never out during the day? Like why?

Yeah, about Jerry...

He's been getting too attached to me lately. Like saying hi to me a lot of times... well that isn't a problem. Right? Can't hurt to say a simple hello to somebody. Whatever. That guy is weird. I may not know how he looks, but I can feel it. He's been helping me a lot lately. Taking me home safely at night, helps me up whenever I fall, just... constantly helping me all the time. Why though? I didn't even have to ask. Though he insists. Yeah I understand that I'm blind but....

Okay. I may be overreacting, but I guess he's being a gentleman.

Also, he's been engaging in long conversations with me. Sometimes about Charley, then it's flirting with me. Is it sweet talk? What has gotten into this guy? Is he crazy or on drugs? I'm not the type to have long and boring conversations, but I have patience. But, yeah. That's basically it.

About a day later, I got a call from Charley. He said that there's this famous vampire slayer that's gonna prove that he, is in fact a vampire — using holy water.

At this point, I'm tired of this. It went from Jerry and Charley beefing with each other to this unnecessary vampire holy water BS. Charley told me to meet up at his house for this... holy water test. I didn't want to attend, but he kept insisting me. I gave up and agreed. Serene, however, will stay at home. I told Charley that I'll arrive a few minutes late because I need to get ready. He said he didn't mind.


I was on my way over to... so-called vampire neighbor's house. Charley told me to meet him there. I walk down the sidewalk alone. Once I got to the destination, I stop. "Charley?" I called. No reply. Hm. They must've already started the holy water process already without me. I sigh. 'Guess I'll have to return home. Besides, it couldn't be that serious.' I turn around.

"Hey! Young lady!" an unfamiliar male voice called.

I got confused. 'Who is this now?' It wasn't Charley. Nor Jerry. It was someone other random stranger who I don't know. "Yes?" I called. "You're looking for Charley?" he said. What? He knows him too? "Yes. But who are you?" I hear the stranger approach me.
"You've met... Jer, right? I've heard you're a friend of Charley's." Hm. I'm guessing that's Jerry.

I nod. "Yes. I've met him. Who are you?" "I'm his roommate and friend." he replied. "I've heard that you have sight loss. He told me. And he said that if you arrive, I take you to his house. Charley is there also. Mind if I take you to him?"

I held out my arm. "Whatever you say..."


The roommate leads me into the house.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Charley's voice. "You're here, thank goodness." I walk over. Then I bump into someone. "Hey, you!" a female's voice said. "Are you trying to hit on my boyfriend?" My eyes widen. "W-What?! What are you talking about? I've just walked in here!" Hell is wrong with this crazy chick??? "You didn't answer my—" "Amy, that's enough!" Charley interrupt. "I've told you that she's just a friend! Now calm down!" Amy. So she is Charley's girlfriend. I've never met her until now. She seems crazy. Or not. I don't know, I may be wrong. Let me not assume things. I felt a hand grab me and pull me over. We head to another room.

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