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* Three Years Ago *

One night, I was coming home with my parents. We came from running errands. It was dark and raining heavily. Flashes of lightning lit through the clouds. I fear if we will get into an accident. "Mother? Will we be home soon? I don't want us to get into an accident..." "Darling, don't worry." my mother reassures me. "We'll make it there soon, sweetie." my father said. "You just stay calm." I sit back and sigh. "Okay..."

We continue down the dark road. We eventually got to a streetlight. Out of nowhere, there was a loud car horn and a flashing light shining beside us. Loud screeching from a tire was heard. "LOOK OUT!!!!" my mom shouted. I look beside me.

***LOUD CRASH!!!***

Our car was hit. I scream. The car slammed into something, causing me to hit my head.

I blacked out.


Many hours passed. I don't know how long has it been. 'Where am I?' I slowly open my eyes. My vision was blurry. I blink a couple of times to adjust my view. But something was off. I couldn't see clearly... "Huh?" I rub my eyes and blink again. Still no clear vision. I got nervous. Before I start to freak out, I hear someone walk in. "Ms. (L/N)?" I hear a lady's voice. "Y-Yes?" I reply. "Where am I? Please tell me!" She pats my shoulder. "Calm down, miss. You're in the hospital. You and your parents got into a serious car accident. But luckily, you're not seriously injured. You miraculously survived, except having minor injuries. " So my worst fear came true... But how did I end up here?

"W-Where are they?" I ask the nurse, worriedly. "They're in a room next to yours. Unfortunately, they both have very severe injuries. There might be a chance that they won't make it..." My heart drop. "What? No... No it can't be..." "I know, miss.... But please don't worry. I'm just waiting on one the doctors to inform me about their conditions."

I hope my mother and father pull through. I can't afford losing them. I kept blinking uncontrollably. "Nurse... I can't see... My vision is blurred..." "Can you see me?" she asks. "I can't!" I hear the nurse leave. "I'll be right back. Don't move." Seconds later, she returns. "Open your eyes. Please keep them open." I hear something click. The nurse holds a light through my eyes. She told me to look left and right. I did as she follow. "Oh my goodness." I hear the nurse sigh. She takes the light away from my face and turns it off. "What is it?" I ask her worriedly. "I hate to say this. But I think your optic nerve must be damaged." Oh no... "What does this mean???" The nurse stays silent for a second before answering.

"You might be blind, Ms. (L/N)..."

"B-Blind?!" My eyes quickly began to water.

Don't tell me that... I lost my sight...

I hear a knock. "Nurse? I need a word with you..." She leaves. I lay down and hold the pillow. Tears roll down my face. "So that means... I won't... be able to see again? Ever?" My god, no. I don't want to be blind. This will totally ruin my life for me. Goodness. As if things couldn't get anymore worse... "Ms. (L/N)..." I hear the nurse. She might've gotten word about my parents condition. "I have very bad news..." I quickly sit up and grab onto her for dear life. "Please... Please don't tell me..." She holds onto me.

"Ms. (L/N)...... They're gone......"

My heart shattered... "No... No!!!" I instantly broke down. The nurse held onto me. "This can't be..." I sob into her clothes. She hugs me close. "I'm so sorry..."

My life turned upside down. A part of me died that day...


A week later, my parents were laid to rest. I couldn't stop crying. My close friend Serene was with me. Along with another close friend, named Charley. He was there to be by my side, paying his respects. I felt him hug me. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)..." he told me, softly.

I didn't say anything but held onto him. Tears stream down my face, and onto Charley's clothing. It's already bad enough being blind for the past couple of days, but losing my parents was the worst... I release from Charley. Using my white cane, I approach Serene. "Let's just go home..." I say.

* Three Years Later - Present Moment *

Three years. Already. Time flies.

Still no change. Still blind. The sad thing is, I think my condition will last a lifetime. I don't think my sight will ever improve...

(***Note: Slight Trigger Warning ⚠️)

In my high school years, people made fun of me for my sight loss. I was called a freak often, and an orphan. At times, I would hide in the bathroom for over an hour and cry. I didn't want to be seen.

There's even a mean neighbor, a man and his two mean twin daughters who live next to me, who harass me constantly. And for no reason. I hate them. The daughters would always trip me on purpose every time I walk past them. They would laugh and call me names. And their stupid lowlife father would watch and do nothing... He too, would harass me. Fortunately, Serene, Charley, and even his mother would stick up for me. But as always, that lowlife family doesn't listen. They'll still continue to do it.

There has... been some times where I tried to... take my own life... on more than one occasion. I don't want to explain. It's too depressive. I know, times have been tough. Being blind, bullied, no friends, not having my parents in my life... It's a challenge. But the good thing is that I have two friends that care about me and my condition.


Me and Serene got through washing dishes until we heard the phone ring. "Don't worry, (Y/N). I'll get it for you." She leaves to go answer it. I was carefully stacking glass cups on top of each other like a pyramid. It's a habit I normally do whenever I'm bored. "(Y/N). It's for you." Serene said. "Charley's mom is on the line." I walk over to the phone and talk to her. She told me that a new person arrived in town a few days ago, and she would like it if I come over and introduce myself to him. "Okay. Is the visitor there right now? And is Charley home?"

"Yes, sweetie." Ms. Brewster said. "Charley's here. And he's met him already. He was nervous for some reason." Nervous? Of the visitor? "Then I thought of you, since you're a friend of his. And I think it would be perfect if you would come over and meet him. I'm sure he would be interested in meeting you." I stay silent for a second. Charley's nervous of the visitor? Should I be nervous too?

"Okay, Ms. Brewster. I'll be right over. Just give me a few minutes." I say. I hang up the phone. "Serene." I called. She comes over. "Yes, (Y/N)?" "I'm going over to Charley's house. I'll be back later." "Okay, (Y/N). Do you want me to go with you?" she said. "No. I can go alone. I know where Charley's house is." Serene hands me my cane and sunglasses. I take them. "Alright. Just knock or ring the doorbell when you come back."

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