☆Chapter Eleven☆

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An entire day. It took a whole fucking day to get everyone back into their rooms.

Vanessa was allowed to stay off of work, but she chose to still show up for your sake. She enjoyed your company and also just didn't feel like being at home until she got a new patient. You didn't mind her there, but Sam and Mack were slightly cautious. After all, Vanessa did kill someone with little regrets.

As of right now, Mack was sleeping with you rested on his lap. Sam was on your lap, sleeping also. You lay there and just questly talked with Vanessa.

Daniel's health was getting much better than before. Despite it only being a day, he's already had confirmation that he'd be fully healed in the span of a few weeks. When that happens, you'll have your boss back. His twin sister, Diana, had called and texted you a few times. She was worried for her brother, but due to her job, she couldn't visit as when she could, she either had work, or visiting hours weren't available.

Sun slowly began to wake up, and when he did, he sat up and smiled at you. You felt your face get warm. This... was nice.

You caught Vanessa giving a smug look as she waved goodbye. She walked off and left you entirely confused. Why did she give such a look to you? Yeah, you were blushing at Sun, but that...

Goddammit. Vanessa has such a filthy mind.

You felt Moon wrap his hands around you, and he slightly squeezed. You turned and smiled at him. Moon looked up and did something that made you freeze up temporarily.

A more noticeable blush formed on your face. You smiled and realized... he kissed you. What...?

"Sorry, I just felt like I-" he was cut off as I kissed him back. The kiss was... beautiful. It felt nice. It felt familiar, but this time, it's staying this way.

You heard Sam do a fake cough. You broke away from the kiss and looked at him. He had a small pout on his face. A small laugh was soon heard from you. Your hands gently held his face, and you kissed Sam.

"Are you happy now, Sun?" You asked when you backed away from the kiss. All three of you had a blush on your face.

"Very," he answered as he shyly looked away. Sun was soon giving another kiss. It was brief, but it was still a kiss.

"Hey, don't hide your face. It's cute," you said as you held his face. He smiled and leaned into your touch.

Moon then said, "I'd hate to ruin this moment with all of us, but... when are Sam and I allowed to leave this place?"

You thought for a small moment before you gave a shrug. "I'd have to ask Dave about that, but for right now, I'm enjoying this moment."

"We are too," they answered in sync. You smiled at that.

Sam crawled further up your lap, and Mack pulled you closer to him. They both just cuddled you happily, not really wanting this moment to be over with.

Suddenly, you saw Vanessa enter the room. "Hey, Y/N, quick question."

"What, Ness?" You said with a small hint of annoyance.

"How would you react if... I was told by Dan that your boyfriends are allowed to leave?" She said as she scratched the back of her neck.

You stared at her with confusion. "Why do you ask?"

"Well... they are allowed to leave now. You reformed them well enough, so..." Vanessa gave a smile.

You sat up quickly, startling the two. They had fallen asleep rather quickly, so they were immediately woken up by this movement of yours.

"Really?!" You said with excitement.

"Yes, really. Now get your ass up and leave with them. Take your advantage of being home with them, if you know what I mean," she said. Vanessa gave the stupid movement of the eyebrows at the last part of her statement.

"You- fine. I will," You stood up and saw Sun and Moon stand up too. They looked at you confused. You told them, "Boys, would you like to head home with me?"

They looked at each other. Then at you. "Yes!" They both shouted happily.

"Great, so let's head home now, hm?" You looked at Vanessa, who nodded. Then you looked at the twins, and they were so happy. Even Mack, who barely showed a smile, was smiling as if he had a whole personality swap.


Once you all arrived at your house, they immediately ran inside and were so happy.

"We haven't been in a home in... a while!" Sun said as he did a little twirl. It made you smile.

You closed the door to the house. You then walked to the kitchen and grabbed yourself an apple. You took a bite of it before noticing the boys were looking at you.

"Can you make us food?" Mack asked.

"Tomorrow, boys. It's nighttime, and I want to sleep," you said as you finished your apple. You tossed them one, too. "There, some food for your hungry asses."

Sun looked at the apple and then took a bite. He then looked at you and asked, "Where do we sleep?"

"I don't have any other rooms, so you can pick the living room or my room," you shrugged as you threw away the apple you had recently finished eating.

"We can... sleep in your room?" Moon asked with a look that looked almost as if Sun had entered his body. He had such an innocent look.

"Yeah, I don't mind," you answered. "Feel free to sleep in my room whenever you feel like it, boys."

As you went to your room, you noticed they followed behind. You laughed a small bit and patted beside you on both sides. They hopped into bed and curled themselves around you.

This... was amazing. You had done your job and gained two... wait... "Are we dating now?"

"Yes," they answered immediately at the same time. "We are dating you."

You smiled and snuggled into their embrace. Slowly, you and your boyfriends felt the sweet hold of sleep overtake you all.

You now have two boyfriends. And you loved them both dearly.

To most people, they had no chance of being fixed. They were wrong.

To most, they had an insanity that would never be seen as anything else. Well, to that... you feel as though they had the best, no perfect insanity for you.

I know, I know... it's shorter than most of my books, but... I feel as though it's been good.

Now, I have one quick question... should I make a smut chapter? It won't be storyline important, I just want to know if I should.

If no answer shows, then I won't make one. But, I do hope you enjoyed the book. And,
I have another one that is going to be called
"Failed To Kill"

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

1182 Words

☆Perfect Insanity☆  ☆Sun/Moon x Reader☆Where stories live. Discover now