☆Chapter Five☆

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TW: Description of violence

You ran fast. You needed to get to your job. You had the worst feeling in your gut. The fear that had formed earlier had grown so much more.

As you neared the asylum, you made sure people weren't nearby. You then snuck inside.

"Y/N? Why are you here?" Daniel asked you from behind you.

"Ihadtheworstgutfeelingever,andIreallyneededtocomebackheretomakesureeverythingwasokay," you said quickly.

"Hey, slow down your words," he gently placed a hand on your shoulder.

"I had the worst gut feeling ever, and I really needed to come back here to make sure everything was okay..." You slowed down your words.

"Alright, also, Lee was supposed to close your section tonight, but I haven't heard from them all day. So could you do me a favor and check up down there?" Daniel asked you as he let go of your shoulder.

You nodded and walked away. Well, it was more so of you running away. You ran past the room that Sam and Mack should be in. Neither were...

"Fuck..." you swore under your breath as you ran to any room that you knew was closed and locked. You had the keys to open them.

In one door was just what you were looking for. "Moon!" You ran toward his sleeping body. He seemed to have been crying. Then you noticed the rope around him. Your brows furrowed. Taking out the pocket knife you held onto, you cut the ropes off, shaking him awake right after.

His eyes blinked open. And when he saw you, he hugged you. It was slightly shocking. You could even feel him shaking as you returned the hug.

"Hey, what's wrong...?" You knew what was wrong. He was away from Sam, he was locked in a room alone, and he was tied up. All of which he hated. Dammit Jackson.

"I... I need Sam..." he mumbled over and over. You stood up, surprising yourself as you were able to carry him. You walked out of the room and began to walk farther down the hall. You could've easily returned him to his room, but felt bad making him alone again.



You began to hear screams. That made you speed up your pace. You walked faster in order to get to the person screaming. Once you got to the room, you opened the door.

Mack jumped off your back and ran. "Sam!" You stood in horror at the heavily breathing Lee that was on the floor. They had a broken arm, their leg was torn off, they had their shoulder popped out of its socket, and lastly, Lee was bleeding from many places.

The horror didn't last long. You stood over their body, and they stared up at you. They moved their mouth, making it seem like they made the words, "Help me..." You soon began to laugh. It was almost psychotic.

Sam and Mack looked at you. They seemed a little scared at you. You were laughing over an injured coworker.

You began to wheeze as you ran out of breath. You wiped at the tears that began to form. "You are an idiot. You know damn well what they were capable of, and yet... you and Jackson fucked with them! Only an idiot does that!"

"You do too!" Lee yelled back with pain in her voice.

"I know what I'm doing! I've done it before, I've been like them before!" You smiled.

"You psyco!" Lee tried to back away.

You grabbed their dislocated shoulder and stared in their eyes. "You think that's an insult? That's a compliment! And... if I weren't risking my job right now, I would kill you."

Your mood changed nearly instantly. You picked her up and over your shoulder. Then, you turned your attention to the two that stared at you without making a noise. "Come on, let's return you to your room."

They followed with no complaints. They were happy to be with the other again. Once you all got back to the room, Sam and Mack entered the room. The door closed afterward. You gave them a happy smile and then walked away.

They looked at each other. Moon spoke first. "They are perfect..."

"They have the most perfect insanity I've ever seen," Sun agreed.

Their faces turned a shade of a bright, unnoticeable, pink as they thought of the insane laugh you did over your injured coworker.


"What the hell happened to them?" Daniel asked as you handed Lee to him.

"Keep me away from that psychopath..." Lee weakly begged. They were scared of you, and that made you happy.

"Alright then..." Daniel agreed with confusion.

"Dan, can I stay here?" You asked suddenly.

"Like the night? Where with the people who mur-" he began to laugh but stopped as he stared at your face. "Oh, you mean that... uh. Sure. Just don't die."

"I won't!" You said happily. "Also, don't ever mention that incident again." You then walked away to the room of Sun and Moon.

Daniel looked at Lee. "Let's bring you to a hospital, alright?"

Hope this was a great chapter. Oh, who am I kidding? It had violence, so of course it was good.

Now then. Go have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

879 Words

☆Perfect Insanity☆  ☆Sun/Moon x Reader☆Where stories live. Discover now