Chapter 8: "Just friends?"

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This one shot was suggested to me by amaragracevd

This one shot was suggested to me by amaragracevd

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No one's POV:
Cheryl and Toni were on the couch in Thornhill. It was a normal Thursday night for them. Cuddling and watching movies. Although Toni would rather be at the bijou watching Love Simon with Cheryl. They couldn't risk it. More or so Cheryl couldn't risk it.

See Cheryl was a closeted lesbian, she knew she liked girls, but she was afraid of what people would say about the "HBIC". Would everyone laugh and call her a dyke? Would her friends think she's weird? Would she get kicked off of the cheer squad? No. There is no way Cheryl would let that happen. Cheryl loves Toni with all her heart. But she's afraid of the aftermath of coming out.

Toni reassures her that everything will be okay and she won't have to come out until she's ready. Toni came out when she was 13 and her parents were not okay with that. So they kicked her out and she was on her own until she found FP and the Serpents. They are her "Non-Judgmental family". Toni understands Cheryl's concerns, but all she knows is that she loves Cheryl and she will do anything in her power to protect her and let her know that she's loved.

"Baby?" Cheryl says turning around to look at Toni.

"Yes, My love?" Toni says turning her focus from the tv to her girlfriend.

"I'm hungry. Can we go to pops?"

"Sure babe," Toni says getting up with the redhead and getting ready.


30 minutes later the girls decided they wanted to stay in pops and eat. Usually, the vixen would be scared to see someone she knows but it was a Thursday night and pops was mostly empty.

The girls were laughing at a joke Toni had said when they heard the clanking of stilettos. Cheryl saw Toni look up and her face dropped when she saw who had entered Pops.

Cheryl's POV:

When I looked up I swear I felt my heart drop. I saw Veronica, walking into Pops and over to us. I quickly let go of Toni's hand and put my hands on my lap.

Veronica's POV:

I was entering pops ready to enjoy a peaceful night alone when I saw Cheryl, but she wasn't alone. I got closer and I saw a south side serpent jacket. As I approached the booth I saw Toni Topaz. You know, the badass HOT serpentette, not to mention she's Gay and everyone knows it.

I wonder what my Vixen sister is doing with this serpent trash.

Toni's POV:

Of course. I just wanted to enjoy one night with my girlfriend and I can't, wanna know why? BECAUSE FUCKING VERONICA FUCKING LODGE!

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