47 (TW?)

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Edward's Pov  

Louis arrives home after his appointment, walking through the door with Harry by his side. The only person who's gotten close to Louis the last few weeks. 

The last few weeks were kinda painful for me and Marcy, us sleeping in a different room to Harry and Louis,  me and Marcy not talking to Lou at all. Louis whispers to Harry to sit down, Him looking at the floor again. I go to get up but Louis speaks, "sit" is all he says.

I sit and he continues, "I wanna talk to you all about what the doctor said," she said that I have something called PTSD. Post-traumatic stress disorder, it's what is causing me to feel the way I do. And with the pregnancy, it's making it worse as I do fear that anything could happen to this baby." He says, a few silent tears running down. He gets up and begins to walk away. 

"Lou, come here", I say, and he walks towards me, my arms open. He hugs me with tears flowing now, "Everything is going to be alright." We all end up hugging by the end of the night and staying together. Everything for the rest of the night goes smoothly, the next morning I wake up to Harry and Macel gone, Louis' arms wrapped around me in a tight hold. I lay with my phone in one hand and my other laying on my omega, we stay like this for a little while before the baby makes Lou get up.

We headed downstairs to see someone racking around in our kitchen and this person was way too small and skinny to be my brothers or staff. "Lou go upstairs and lock the bedroom door and call the police." I whisper at him. I always keep up with boxing every weekend so I can protect my children and omega. 

I walk downstairs, creeping up behind them and pining them on the wall. "What the hell are you doing !"I yell in their face. 

"I-um-I..." They stutter. This person being around 5'11 but they are someone I don't recognize.

"Why are you here?" I say, my tempter is being tested. 

"I was sent here, by my boss." The man trembles. 

Why?" I ask.

"To find out about you, your family and business"        

 "You better think this is worth it" Suddenly there is a knock on the door and it opened, revealing my brothers and 4 police officers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "What seems to be the problem here?" One of the officers asked.

"Officer, I caught this man inside of my house this morning," I say, and the youngest looking one walks over and arrests the man as soon as we show evidence.

"Would you like to press charges ?" an officer Bradford asks. 

"Yes" He takes statements from me and my omega, and says he'll be in touch.

I'm in love with my teacher and his brothers (Style triplets) (alpha, omega)Where stories live. Discover now