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Marcels pov

The last few weeks have been weird for all of us as Louis has been snapping and we talked to the doctor and he said it was normal but the stuuf he was saying are extremle hurtful. "MARCEL!" Louis' screams from upstairs, i get up and head upstairs to see Lou sat on the bed with a tub of icecream looking adoreable.

"Yes Lou?" i ask as nicely as i can, this was the 100th time in the last 20 mins he had shouted of me while i've been trying to send emails to students and other staff i work with. 

"Can we cuddle please?" he asks, i nod and quickly pop downstairs for my laptop before cuddling him.


A few hours later of me and Louis cuddling, Harry and Eward walk in and head for a shower. "Aw" i hear Eddy say from the doorway, i smile at him and keep cuddling Lou. The only thing that is heared from the room is light snores and the light tap of water coming from the bathroom. I slowly get up from the bed and walk downstairs with my laptop and Eddy. "How's he been?" he asks.

"He wasn't the best this morning but after that he was way better and he has a new craving, pickles with icecream and it's mint with vanilla icecream or he will not eat it" i say as we sit down and i keep working on all the emails i was meant to send for all of the staff that i hadn't been able to send with Lou attaching himself to my side for many hours. 

After a peaceful sleep with our babies finally sleeping through the night , i get up feeling refreshed. I get into my work clothes before kissing my brother's heads, our kids heads and Lou's lips lightly. A small whimper comes from Lou before his eyes flutter open.

"Marcuy, where are you going ?" he asks with a sleep filled voice.

"Work babe, i've got to go. See you tonight" i say as another whine slips from his lips "Lou i'm sorry but i've got to go to work, i need to work"

He nods and slips back off to sleep as soon as i kiss him again and Eddy wrapps his arms around his waist, i arrive at my classroom to see Miss Calder stood by my desk.

"Marcel!" she says with exitement.

"Hi Eleanor" i say with no exitement in my voice, she hugs me beofre i growl and push her off and walk over to my desk "Miss Calder stop, you know i'm happily mated and if you keep trying to push yourself onto me i will report you because i'm getting sick of you trying to, just because you can't get a mate doesnt mean you should go for the mated people so knock it off" i say sitting down at my desk.

"Don't worry i have an interview for being an persanal assistent for a big company tommorow" she says before walking out,i phone Eddy. (A/N- the darker writing is edward and the normal text is marcel)

"Hey Marcy what's up?"

"I've got to know does anyone have an interview tommorow?"

"yeah i do why?"

"Is their name Eleanor Calder?"


"well i suggest don't hire her she's just tried pushing herself on me and will more likely try it with you" 

"Okay thank you, see ya' later"


Edward's pov

I call Eleanor Calder "Hello Miss Calder, it's Edward Styles and I know your meeting isn't in until later but i was wondering if you could come in now for a meeting because my assistant scheduled your interview for the time I have a meeting tonight" I said 

"Of course i could come in now" she says, we say bye to each other. My assissant Olivia S walks into my office.

"Mr Styles, Miss Calder is here" she says.

"Send her in" 

Eleanor walks in, her outfit trying to look seducive but failing "Good morning Miss Calder havea seat" she nods and sits down, "So before we begin, i got a call off my brother Marcel Styles who you work with. He told me you tried to push yourself onto him so unlucky for you, this job will not exept you into the company."

"You can't do that, this comany isn't owned by you, the owner is Des Styles" she says.

"Miss Calder i am the CEO of this company and my dad put his name down under the comapy as he became the leader of the pack and he had just started the comapany and he didn't have time to biuld the comapy so i took over so don't get smart with me" i say "And if you don't belive me then i will phone my dad so i can prove it"

"Phone him then" she says, getting cocky. 

"Hey dad, can you tell me how i ended up coming the CEO of the company?" 

"OF course son, so i started the compmany and then i became the pack leader so i handed the company over to you as your the only one who likes working in the office and yeah your the owner of the company." he says.

"OK thanks dad, i'll call you later bye" i say "See Miss Calder i do own he company" 

She gets up and walks out without another word, i phone Marcel.

"Hey Marcy" i say

"Hey Edward what's up"

"So i've just told her she's not working for the company"

"How did it go ?"

"Other than that she walked out so really well" i said with a chuckle. A few hours abeofter the phone call to Marcel and his boss, i arrive home to Louis crying and Harry and Marcel no where to be seen. "Lou what's wrong?" i ask, he was sat on the floor in my hoodie. i sit on the floor next to him, pulling him into my chest.

"Marcel and Harry yelled at me" he sobbed into my chest.

"Lou, sit on the sofa and watch TV while i go sort this out ok ?" i say and he nods, i head to the closet and grab my blanket before placing it on him.I walk upstairs and open the office door, " HARRY AND MARCEL STYLES!" i say loudly which caught their attension.

"What?" Harry said from his desk.

"Why is Louis saying you both yelled at him?" i said "And you both better be honest or i swear"

"Edward, he was pissing Harry off while we were trying to work then blaming it on the pup"

"Marcel that is no exuse he's our mate and no madder what you should never yell at him, i'm very disappointed in both of you so of tonight you are both not sleeping in the bed with us, got it ?" they both nod.

I'm in love with my teacher and his brothers (Style triplets) (alpha, omega)Where stories live. Discover now