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Louis' Pov

It's been a week since the incident, I don't remember much about the last week or even before it. I have stuck by Harry's side since then because my omega screams at me every time I leave. I sit on the bed, waiting for Harry to wake up. Once again I woke up to the feeling of being sick, this baby is the worst. 

I see Harry stir and for once, I notice that Edward and Marcel are gone. I check the time, 9:46am. Oh, they have left for work. My brain doesn't have time to process the feeling of missing them because Harry snaps me out of my thoughts. "Morning" He says in his sexy morning voice.

"Morning" I say in a small voice. I lay down by him, he kisses my head and we cuddle for the next 10 minutes before my belly rumbles from the baby. Damn baby, I think before Harry scooped me up and carries me downstairs. "You know, I miss Edward and Marcel" My voice is still small.

"You do ?" I nod "Why don't you speak to them?" 

"My omega is clinging to you and I'm scared they will hate me." I say.

"Lou, you're being stupid" he says, wrapping his arms around me.

"Harry, I left. Like I took a plane and left the country." I say "That's something I would hate. I left without warning and I don't know why I did it. Maybe I was scared but I left my alphas and kids Harry, I hate myself for that." Tears began to fall from my eyes. "Why don't you hate me?"

I get up, walk out of our back door and sit by the edge of the pool, my legs crossed. "Louis, come inside. Your in nothing but a large shirt and I don't want anyone seeing my omega like that." Harry says, his voice getting louder.

"Why do you still love me?" I say, tears falling now. "I-I'm use-useless" I hiccup out. My omega is screaming at me as soon as I say it.

"Louis, I love you because of you. I don't care how you think you're a bad omega or anything like that because it's bullshit." He says, his face softening. He scoops me up and brings me inside. We eat breakfast in silence then I head to the guest room and lock the door. Sobs fall from my mouth, the feeling of being a bad omega rising in me again. 

The people who mean everything to me are being treated like shit by the person who is meant to be taking care of them. I sit on the bed after my sobs reduce to nothing. Harry had stopped trying to get in around 30 minutes ago, which I'm glad for.

I lay on the bed, one of Edward's old jumpers sat in the cupboard. The smell of him still lingering on them so I grab it, pull it to my chest and fall asleep with it. I wake up a few hours later to someone trying to open the door. "Louis, open this door please" It is Marcel.

I don't respond. "Louis, you listen to your alphas, this is not how you should be acting." Edward says.

"Edward, be nice" Harry says. 

All 3 alphas stood outside the door so I slowly got up and unlocked the door. Before any of them could make it into the room, I was already outside on the balcony. "Edward, please. Right now, he needs us. Him and his omega are hurting and we aren't sure why so for once let's find out and care for our omega." Harry says, I can feel Edwards agreeing for once. 

I would never admit it but I am scared of Edward sometimes because he can make a face that doesn't show any emotions, there is a few things that scare me about Edward. I hear the glass door open and I feel someone (Probs H) staring at me. 

"Go away" I say, "It's no use. I'm better off leaving you all alone." 

"Louis William Tomlinson, that's no way to speak your alpha; now tell me what's wrong?" Edward says.

"No Edward, I can't tell you anything because I don't know. My omega is everywhere." 


A few days later, I'm sat in a doctor's office, ready to get to the bottom of what is wrong. "Okay Mr. Tomlinson, what seems to be the problem?" 

"I don't know, I keep being distant with my alphas, snapping at them, being clingy, telling them I should leave and stuff like that. I need to know what the hell is happening." 

"Okay, I've seen this type of thing before Mr. Tomlinson. Have you had any traumatic events happen ?" 

I nod, thoughts of the time I was kidnapped and the time I left. All of the events coming back.

"Could you explain what happened ?"

"One ti,e I was kidnapped while pregnant and another when I couldn't think straight and I as beaten quite badly less than four weeks ago." 

I'm in love with my teacher and his brothers (Style triplets) (alpha, omega)Where stories live. Discover now