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Louis' POV
I walk downstairs and grab a banana from the fruit bowel, I see the maid Mary stood in the kitchen with her back to me.

I grabbed my notebook and sat on the sofa, I began to write a song (one thing) for my music class, i hear my phone ring from upstairs. I get up and head upstairs.

I see Marcel calling "hey Lou"

"Hey Marcy" I say.

"I'll be home within the next few days" he says, " I miss you"

"I miss you too,"

An hour passed and I was walking to the bathroom when suddenly a sharp pain shot through me, I rested my hand in my bump. I was almost 8 months pregnant.

Soon I felt a gush of water drop as I reached the sink, 'great' I thought to myself, I walked to my room and grabbed the suitcase and multiple baby bags we have packed and slowly took each one downstairs.

"Ella(the new maid) please could you help me get the bags to the car" I say as a pain shot through me again.

I know I should call my alphas but they wouldn't be able to get back since everything they are away for is important and they wouldn't be able to get away until the day before they come home.

I text the group, lou: hey alphas, I think I've gone into labour. Waiting for my mam to arrive but bags are in the car and ready to have these babies

Harry: I'm sorry we can't be there baby, I'll try and get away

Eddy: Lou I'm sorry I can't get away from all the meetings, I can't believe I'm missing my pups birth 😔😔

Marcy: I feel ur pain eddy I can't get away either. We're sorry Lou

My mam arrived at mine "oh Lou your pups are coming today" she says with excitement, she helps me in the car and we drive to the hospital.

"My son is in labour" my may says. We head to a room and I lay down in the bed.
I walked through the halls with Harry holding my hand, I clenched my jaw as a contraction ran through my body.

We headed back to my room and FaceTimed the rest of the alphas while Harry worked a little.

"How do you feel Lou?" Eddy asked.

"Horrible, I hate this" I say as another contraction ran through me again.

After many hours I finally give birth to 2 girls and 1 boy. Freddie, Bella and rose were the names of the triplets.


After 2 days me and the triplets were released from the hospital, we walked into the house to see Ella moving some baby stuff around.

"Welcome home" Ella says.I thank her while Harry carries Bella and Freddie to the sitting room, we bring all the babies to the sofa. Harry's phone began ringing so he left to take that.

"Ella could you grab me a glass of water please?" I asked

I'm in love with my teacher and his brothers (Style triplets) (alpha, omega)Where stories live. Discover now