A demon saving Dragotipia

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The house was strangely calm and Jacob had been in his room for two hours. Something terrible was happening. I ran to his room. He was in his demonic form, but fortunately, to my nose, he wasn't producing red fluid for his head like usual.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing," he answered while he was leaning against his closet door.

I shrugged and pretended to leave the room. He sighed with relief and opened his closet a little, I went to him and opened it fully. I could see a large prairie with neon-yellow flowers and a sky with almost twenty moons inside the closet. Then I notice that between my legs had a small rag doll. I tried to move away and the only thing I got was to fall to the floor.

"Mati, be careful with Belloc," Jacob said turning to his human form.

"What the hell? Why is there a living doll in your room? and more importantly, why is there a portal to another realm in your closet?"

Before he could answer a tiny fly woman, who I suppose was a fairy, enter the room through the portal and made a bow.

"Lord Belloc," she said looking at the doll. "My king," she said to Jacob.

"My king?" I said in an accusatory tone.

"Mati don't be angry, I can explain," he said.

I crossed my arms while he told me an incredible story about how a portal opened in his closet, he fell into the portal, and he had been exploring Dragotopia, a magical realm protected by dragons and governed by children of good hearts from the human realm. Apparently, a grey flying monster had appeared and it was capturing the dragons. Belloc had gotten escaped introducing his soul in a doll to search for a new king.

I was nodding during his story. When he finished, I smiled and placed myself next to the door.

"Well, I thank you to bring Jacob home. Now get out before I call the exterminator," I said with a smile on my face looking at the doll and fairy. I wasn't in the mood for a stupid fantasy adventure where I could die.

Jacob approached me with his puppy eyes. "Matiiii pleaseeeeeeeeee!"

"Not! Besides your mother will be here in one hour. She'll freak out if we aren't at home," I said.

"Don't worry grumpy guy, time works differently in Dragotopia. An hour in your world can be a day or a week in our land," the fairy said in her high-pitched voice.

Jacob took me by the hand "C'mon Mati, for my birthday," then he looked at me scared, noticing that he had just uncovered himself.

His birthday was the following week. For one week in another realm, he'd be three weeks punished and his birthday party would be canceled.

"Okay for your birthday," I sighed.

He started to jump and enter the magical portal at full speed with the doll in his hands. Sometimes I'm too soft with him, but I wouldn't have to buy anything for his birthday at least.

I looked at the fairy "Do you know he's half demon and is better to destroy things than to save them?"

"The last one forced the whole realm to play a battle royal where he shot us with rotten fruit," she said.

Well, from that moment, the story can be summed up as; searching for an old oracle; traveling to the dark lands to find the MacGuffin, a stupid crown for which I was almost devoured by a giant spider; and going to the green mountain to save the dragons.

But all these things weren't the worse, the worse was knowing that I couldn't get paid for these hours, and hours in extradimensional realms are paid $40. We were almost two days, approximately $1920. I started to cry each time I thought about it.

A flock of pegasus helped us to arrive at the fucking green mountain, which was a giant piece of ice in the middle of the sky. I guess the person who name it thought that was funny or something.

As soon as we touched down, the fairy led us to a gorge from which we could see the 'monster'.

"But this's a plane," Jacob said disappointed.

This was bad for him, but really good for me. Not monsters are always good news for mortal guys. The plane had a logo, 'EE Industries', and there is a lot of people in camouflage suits. They had some dragons in cages.

Suddenly, a noise behind us caught my attention. A group of three women with semi-automatic guns were pointing at us. The fairy tried to fly away but one of the women shot her and glitter fell on our heads. I prefer to think that she teleported and not that the glitter was her guts.

"Can you finish this Jacob?" I said sighing.

"I want, but I'm forbidden to kill humans and pets," he said pouting.

"Do you really need to kill anyone to finish this?"I said arching an eyebrow.

Women looked at us bewildered, more when Jacob grinned at me with his usual mischievous smile. He turned into his demonic form and invoked a dozen of horrible spirits. Women ran away and Jacob started to sow chaos between the poachers. I took the opportunity to release the dragons, they had less problem killing humans.

In less than ten minutes the still alive poachers fled on the plane. Belloc approached a dragon who was asleep in a cage, and a blue light got out from the doll to the dragon.

"Heroes of Dragotopia," the dragon said looking at Jacob and me. " You deserve a reward. For our king a constellation," the stars formed the demonic Jacob's shape in the sky "and of course, you can keep the crown. For our other savior, this," a big egg appeared on my hands, "highest honor for a guardian."

Then a portal appeared under us and we were teleporting to Jacob's room.

"Mati, this's incredible, they gave you a  dragon egg,  so cool,"

I looked at him intensely "I'll exchange it for the crown of gold and rubies."

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