Part 36

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It was the day before the Miss Univers pageant. The sun shone brightly overhead, a stark contrast to the bright blue sky. The freshly cut grass blew in the wind along with the leaves on the trees.

The sounds of birds chirping happily welcomed the couple as they stepped out of the mansion and on to the concrete driveway.

Natasha was clad in a pair of simple black sweatpants and a white cropped tank top along with a pair of high top converse. She wore her short blonde hair in a simple low bun and her eyes were masked by a pair of aviator sunglasses.

Steve also looked dashing, yet comfortable in his simple pair of grey sweatpants, a white t-shirt and high top converse. His hair was fluffy because he hadn't put product in it that morning and he, like his wife, was wearing aviator sunglasses.

In Steve's hand he held the handle to two suitcase, a black one and a blue one.

Waiting for them by the sleek black SUV was their new chauffeur, his name was Henry.

Henry was a older man, his hair greying from old age and his face adorned with wrinkles. The man wore a simple white button down shirt with red dots adorning the fabric. He also wore a pair of black dress pants and had his hair, or rather what was left of it, combed neatly.

The older man greeted the coupled with a welcoming smile as he opened the backseat door for them. "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Rogers." He greeted warmly

The couple bid good morning to the older man and Steve kissed Natasha's cheek telling to go ahead and get settled while he puts the bags in the trunk. Henry, being the sweet old man he is, tried to persuade Steve into letting him do it but the blond refused by saying that 'he would feel guilty later if he let him do that.'

With the bags securely in the trunk Steve got into the backseat with his wife and Henry closed the door behind them.

Not to long after, Henry hopped in the driver's seat and started the engine before making his way to Steve's private airport.

The ride to said airport was comfortably quiet, Natasha being far to tired and not being a morning person decided that she would take a nap during the ride. Her head comfortably rested on her husband's shoulder, her arms encircled around his as she slept.

Steve on the other hand was wide awake. He was currently going through his text, email and such as the ride continued. He would look down once in a while and place a gentle kiss to his wife's head, or his thumb would caress her hand absentmindedly as he worked.

They arrived at the airport and Steve found himself slowly coxing his wife awake. Natasha groaned and scrunched her face up in displeasure as Steve rubbed her cheek affectionaly with the pad of his thumb.

"Sweetheart, it's time to wake up. We have a flight to catch." He told her gently

Natasha groaned once again but her eyes started to slowly open as she began to rub the sleep from her eyes. She let her eyes adjust to the sudden light before looking at her husband with a pout.

Steve chuckled, she looked so adorable. So innocent.

"We're here already?" She questioned as she looked around

Steve nodded with an amused smile lacing his lips "uh huh, now come on. You can take a nap during the flight." He told her placing a kiss to her temple before getting out of the car

Natasha sighed and grabbing her black Channel purse, she followed suit.

Steve came back around from behind the SUV, their bags in tow and thanked Henry for the ride. The older man simply said that it was his pleasure before asking if there was anything else they needed.

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