Part 28

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Upon coming home Steve looked over at the passenger side only to find Natasha fast asleep in her seat. He smiled lightly as he got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side opening the door, he picked Natasha up bridal style and walked her up the front porch steps.

Joseph smiled warmly at the young couple as he opened the front door for them. Steve muttered a quick 'thank you' before he walked up the steps and up to their bedroom. Steve carefully laid Natasha on their bed and admired her sleeping figure.

Natasha stirred in her sleep, her eyes fluttering open. She bit her bottom lip as she saw Steve standing near the bed taking off his shirt, revealing his sculpted abs. Natasha sat up in bed her eyes trained on Steve as he put his shirt in the hamper.

Steve smiled as he turned around and walking back over to the bed he pecked Natasha's lips. Natasha wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. Their tongues battled for dominance as her hand trailed down to his jeans and unbuttoned them.

Steve pulled away slightly, a look of concern in his sea blue eyes. He loved Natasha and he was more than happy to take things to the next level with her but he didn't want to push her to do anything either.

"Are you sure?" He asked her softly

Natasha bit her bottom lip anxiously as she looked around the small room. Did she really want to do this, now, here, where anyone can walk in on them at any moment.

Natasha sighed as she looked back into the sea blue eyes she loves so much. They were her ocean, an ocean she was more than happy to drown in.

"No, I-I want to it's just-"

"You don't want to do it where my family can hear us and tease us in the morning about it." He interrupted in a knowing tone and Natasha nodded

Steve nodded in understanding before pressing his lips against hers softly and leaning their forehead's together.

"There's no rush Nat, whenever you're ready." He murmured

Natasha smiled as she laid back down and Steve hopped in beside her taking her into his arms.

Natasha always felt safe when she was wrapped in his strong arms, she felt as if nothing in the world could harm her. Steve flet similarly when he held the blonde in his arms, he felt as if he had a need to keep her safe.

"Steve?" She called softly after a moment

Steve hummed in acknowledgement

"I love you."

Steve smiled brightly as he replied "I love you too." He placed a gentle kiss to her neck and buried his face into the crook of her neck


The next morning Steve and Natasha walked downstairs, their luggage in tow.

"Your leaving already?" Sarah asked trying to hide her disappointment as she looked up from the stove

It wasn't very often that they were able to get the whole family together and when they did it seemed that someone always left early.

Steve sighed as he sat down his bag and walked over to her giving her a hug "yeah, something came up at work. I'll call you when we're home I promise." He smiled lightly

Sarah just nodded before she went back into the kitchen and began to make breakfast for the rest of the family.

Steve sighed as he shook his head, he hated to disappoint his mother but when work calls he has to go.

Joseph patted his son on the shoulder "don't worry, she'll be alright." He gave him a reassuring smile

Steve nodded

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