Part 32

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Natasha arrived home later that night, the moon lighting the dark night sky and the owls singing their sweet songs. Getting out of the car the blonde walked up the front steps and into the mansion with a bright smile on her face.

"Steve." She called out as she hung her purse on the nearby coat rack and closed the front door behind her

"Kitchen." He shouted in reply

The smile stayed glued to the blondes lips as she took off her jacket, hung it up and sprinted down the hallway into the kitchen. Her smile only grew wider as she found her husband by the stove cooking pasta.

He look so hot while he cooked, his muscles flexing under his tight white tank top as he grabbing the bowls from the cupboard up above.

Walking up behind him Natasha wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and placed a gentle kiss to his shoulder blade that peeked through the tank top he wore.

Steve smiled turning around in her hold. Bending his head down he placed a gentle peck to her lips and wrapped his arms around her waist holding her gently.

"Your home later than usual." He noted glancing at the clock from across the room

Natasha sighed "I know, after the shoot Maria showed up. We got to talking and then I was walking through the parking lot and started thinking and I got this great idea, at least I think it's a great idea. Maybe it's a terrible one and if it is a terrible one then you'll have to let me know before I possibly make the worst mistake of my life." She began to blaber

Steve held the blonde gently by her shoulders, looking at her worriedly "Natasha, sweetheart, slow down." He told her

Natasha took a deep breath and nodded "I want to open a dance studio." She breathed out "don't get me wrong I love what I do, most of the time." They both let out a small chuckle "But I can't help but feel like I'm not meant to do this all my life. And I know that we agreed to start trying, and we still can, it's just I really want to do this." She explained looking up into his sea blue eyes that were full of admiration

Steve smiled "okay. If that's what you want we'll do it, I'll be with you every step of the way."

Natasha smiled "really?"

Steve nodded "yes, I love you and I want you to be happy. If opening a dance studio makes you happy then I'm happy."

Natasha smiled brightly and wrapping her arms around his neck she pressed her lips against his in a passionate kiss. "I love you." She murmured against his lips as they parted and she licked her lips there afterwards

Steve smiled leaning his forehead against hers "I love you a thousand times more."

Natasha smiled shaking her head against his "not possible."

"Oh yes it is." He countered with a smirk

Natasha smirked back and standing on her tip toes she placed a gentle peck to his lips. As they parted the blonde laid her head against her husband's broad chest and took in the sent of his Calvin Klein cologne. God, she loves that smell.

They stayed like that for a moment. Just holding one another, both wearing smiles on their faces. It was the normal for them now, which is funny because if you would've told them when they were young that they would be married shortly after college, they would've called you nuts.

Pulling away slightly Steve looked down at the blonde who still held a tight grip around his waist.

"Dinners ready." He told her kissing the top of her head

Natasha nodded against his chest and pulling away from the hug she grabbed a bowl off the counter. Scooping some spaghetti on to her plate she turned placing a gentle peck to Steve's cheek.

"Thank you." She told him before walking into the dinning room and taking a seat at the table

Steve smiled watching her retreating form before turning and placing some spaghetti on to his own plate as well.

Walking into the dinning room the pair shared a nice dinner together and afterwards enjoyed a good movie on TV. It's moments like this that Natasha cherishes the most.

Growing up she didn't get to see her parents sharing intimate moments like this, they were always fighting. So for her to be able to sit on the couch with her husband and enjoy a good movie together was worth more than anything money could buy to her.

As the ending credits rolled Steve looked down at his wife who's head laid on his chest and found that she was wide awake. Furrowing his eyebrows he ran his fingers through her hair gently and placed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

"You okay?" He asked gently against the top of her head

Natasha hummed buring her face further into his chest "yeah. Just thinking." She replied lowly

"May I ask what about?" He questioned

"Just, you, me and...the baby." She murmured

Steve nodded "Nat, you know we can wait. I'd understand, you want to start a dance studio and that's gonna be hard to do with a baby."

Natasha shook her head "the dance studio can always wait." She looked up at her husband and smiled at him "I want a baby now."

Steve raised a eyebrow "and what happened to 'it'll happen when it happens'?" He questioned

Natasha huffed "fuck it."

Steve smiled brightly and descending his head down he placed a hard kiss to her lips "than let's not waste any time." He joked

Getting up from the couch he picked Natasha up quickly and began to run up the steps to their bedroom carrying her bridal style. Natasha giggled all the way to the room and as they entered Steve kicked the door closed and walked towards the bed where he laid his wife down gently.

Natasha giggled as the blond started placing kisses against her neck, his stubble tickling her as he did so. Smiling the blonde pushed him away slightly and Steve looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly

Natasha shook her head "nothing. It's just, you do know that the birth control isn't fully out of my system yet, right?"

"Yeah." He shrugged "doesn't mean we can't have fun." He smirked

Natasha chuckled wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his face down for a kiss "God, I love you." She murmured against his lips

Steve smiled "I love you too." He murmured in reply

I would just like to say that I'm sorry for the late update and short chapter. If you guys follow me on here, you know that I had a bit a phone trouble and that my laptop is quite old and doesn't work very well which resulted in the delay.

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