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chapter zero : prologue

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chapter zero : prologue


AMONGST THE MANY men that were chained to the wall. A single girl stood with her hands, quite literally, tied tightly together around a pole with rope. She could feel the rope burning into her skin the more she struggled to get the rope to loosen up. But it was no use.

Hearing the tortured screams of her fellow prisoners. Flinching and wincing at every hit and scream that grew louder.

Pleads of prisoners fell on deaf ears with the guards. Forcing a man's hand onto a barrel and tying it down. Bringing a sharp bladed sword up, and in one swift motion, bringing it down and slicing the man's hand off. Clean.

Biting down on her lip, in attempts to stop her from yelling in pain, as she continues to try and loosen the ropes that held her hands closed together around this beam of wood.

"Show us how brave you are he says you stole the bread." One of the guards say. Arabella doesn't know which man the guard was speaking towards.

"It's a lie, I caught him stealing ours." Arabella did however recognize this voice. Peter of Dubois, Lady Marian's brother.

"Cut off the infidels hand." The guard ordered.

"I stole the bread." Closing her eyes together tightly as she also known this voice all too well. Robin of Locksley. A man who had been taken alongside of her.

"That's not true!" Dubois was quick to say.

"They're not interested in the truth." Robin spat back at Dubois. As he noticed he caught the attention of a sapphire blue eyed girl.

"But he's lying!"

"Peter, you'll not live through it." Robin spoke sternly.

"As you wish, cut the other one's hand off as well!" The guard ordered, as Dubois's eyes went wide. As did Arabella's.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Robin. No no!" Dubois yelled apologies towards Robin. Which made Arabella quicken her pace of escape.

Robin puts his hand near the chopper
"This is English courage." He declares.
Robin then retreats his hand and hits his guards. Which made one of the guards get their own hand chopped off. One of the them fall in the fire
"This is for five years of hell!"

"Behind you!! They attack the guards." A man who stood beside Arabella yelled. Suffering the same fate she was in. Azeem...also known as the painted man.

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