chapter eight. the battle

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chapter eight : the battle

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chapter eight : the battle

tw : does has mentions of blood and hanging


SOLDIERS ARE CHECKING everyone that comes through the gate for weapons. Friar Tuck rides up in a wagon that appears to be full of wine barrels. Azeem sits next to him, all wrapped up in bandages so his face is not visible.

"No blades, no bows! Leave your weapons here! No blades, no bows! No blades! What do you've got there, father " The soldier said to everyone, then he questioned Friar.

"The Lord's finest brew for the good Sheriff's fighting men! A mighty kick, huh?!" Friar beamed. The soldier than allowed Friar and, who he didn't know was sitting in the cart, Azeem to pass through the gates.



BULL IS DRESSED as a Celt and as he walks to his position others give him a wide berth. "What do you want?!"

"Watch out, he's a Celt! Horrible!"

Bull smirked, feeling proud of himself.



JOHN WALKS BY with what looks like a load of firewood. As he passes a certain point a rope drops down from the top of the wall. Fanny pops up.

"John! John!!" She whispered to grab his attention.

John hears her and turns around. She motions for him to use the rope.



ROBIN AND ARABELLA are approaching, dressed each as a beggar. He notices some horse poop on the ground. He kneels down and rubs the poop on his clothing. As Arabella grimaced and declined when he offered the same treatment to her. They then head for the gate. As he passes a soldier the soldier grabs both of them.

"He you, do I know you two?"

"Please Sir, don't hurt us." Robin pleaded, with a fake voice.

"Oh, my god! You stink!"

"Pardon me, Sir. Pardon his blindness. He's always falling..." Arabella copied Robin's accent.

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