Chapter 4

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It is currently 2 AM and I am sitting in bed with an laughing baby like how the fuck does she have this much energy at two in the morning

A/n: I am to lazy to continue so I am going to do a time skip love you my babies.... That's my name for y'all:)


It is now currently 7 AM and dream is sleeping in her crib so I'm gonna go to the gym hold the fuck up how am I going to go to the gym if I don't know where it is

Sometimes you act like a dumb bitch
I know
I am glad
Bitch we the same person
Sometimes I wish we were not
hop off my dick

I picked out i cute gym set damn I am a thick bitch yet I am still single... that's because all men are jerks and manwhore just like my brothers

I had been 10 minutes of me looking for the gym I finally found it I started doing something simple so I went on the treadmill for about 20 minutes then started doing some exercises

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I had been 10 minutes of me looking for the gym I finally found it I started doing something simple so I went on the treadmill for about 20 minutes then started doing some exercises

After about an hour I then made my way to the black and red boxing bag and started to wrap my hands after making sure that dream was still sleeping

I then started my moves


After about 20 minutes of taking my rage out on the boxing bag it finally fell I turned around to go get my water bottle but instead I found my brothers and dad standing there

"Good morning" I said with a small smile in return I got replies like 'good morning' 'sup'
'Good morning sweetheart'  'good morning sorellina'  'morning arachidi'

It was getting kind of awkward everyone could feel it so I quickly left before I went upstairs I entered the kitchen and made dream a bottle before making my way back upstairs I saw her awake in her crib playing with some toys

I gave her the bottle and made my way to the shower making sure to bring the baby monitor with me

I entered the shower and then I remembered my period is going to come in a few days fuck my life

After about 22 minutes I finally got out the shower wrapped myself in a towel before entering my room to find Dream sleeping again girl

I finally got dressed before waking up dream wiping her down and getting her dressed in her outfit she get her looks form me

I finally got dressed before waking up dream wiping her down and getting her dressed in her outfit she get her looks form me

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 I went downstairs after we were finished and find everyone in the kitchen sitting and talking

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I went downstairs after we were finished and find everyone in the kitchen sitting and talking

"Umm hey" Taylor said

"Hey are you ready to leave I'm going to miss you so much" I said in a softer voice and I think it shocked my biologicals because they all had their mouth opened

" yeah I just can't believe that they're actually alive I mean they didn't find anybody's but I actually thought they were dead I guess not" she was smiling while she said it

" I am happy for you I guess we both found our families" "yeah; anyways let's eat I wouldn't want to be late" I just nodded in reply

Everyone finished breakfast and I'm not gonna lie it was kind of fun I think my favorite brother is Alexandro he looks just like me like he could be my father

Anyways everyone is back in their room including me and Taylor I guess we're gonna be staying there for a few days after we drop her off so we got a pack some outfits it is 5 PM currently it's been a few hours since breakfast and I already ate lunch and right now dream is currently sleeping so I'm going to shower and change my clothes my father or a sperm donor whatever you call him said we're leaving at 5:30 so we gotta get the stuff on the road

After the shower I picked out this cute outfit because if I'm going to another country I gotta go in style like I can't go looking like a Hobo

Dream woke up so I made her a bottle and laid her down on the bed then went to pick out our outfits

Dream wore this black dress with with pink air forces and I wore black leather pants with this red dress shirt but I tied it up and black heels open toed with a mini red purse my father said when we land we're going to meet Taylor's biological family at a very famous restaurant

Dream wore this black dress with with pink air forces and I wore black leather pants with this red dress shirt but I tied it up and black heels open toed with a mini red purse my father said when we land we're going to meet Taylor's biological fam...

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After we were dressed I took our suitcases downstairs and then went back upstairs to get dream after that I went downstairs and found all my brothers father and Taylor and Trini waiting on me we didn't take the Lambo because my father apparently d...

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After we were dressed I took our suitcases downstairs and then went back upstairs to get dream after that I went downstairs and found all my brothers father and Taylor and Trini waiting on me we didn't take the Lambo because my father apparently didn't feel safe separating.

I feel like I should tell them I own businesses I don't know I mean they're going to find out


Y'all I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while I am on summer break now but like I'm trying to enjoy myself so I haven't been updated and I know this is a short chapter but it's whatever and I know I have like mad pictures in this chapter 2 but like pictures are better than words and I don't know how to describe these outfits so......

All my pictures are from Pinterest every single picture I use is from Pinterest and if I switch it up I'll let you know but this chapter was boring I did not like this chapter where she's going to meet her man in four more chapters y'all I can't wait I got to get my description together because when I describe him y'all are going to be drooling over this man

OK have a good day and I love you my babies

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