Chapter 10

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Peter and Gwen were trying to figure out how they can find Maria as soon as possible before anything catastrophic happened to her.

"She told me she was being followed before she got kidnapped," Peter told Gwen anxiously.

"She told you she was close to the convenience store you said?"


"The convenience store must've had cameras right?"

"I'm not sure if they had cameras or not."

"Peter, the store must've had cameras recording outside. Maybe if we got access to the footage we can use it to find the vehicle that took her."

"I'm going to suit up."


Maria's P.O.V

After what felt like an hour of torture, Max finally stopped electrocuting me. I tried my best to steady my breathing, but it was getting too hard to take breaths. "Why Max?"

Max didn't say anything. "Why work for Harry when we both know how that's going to end up."

"I don't work for Harry. We work together to crush that Spidey this city adores so much."

I closed my eyes. I felt a migraine creep up behind all the pain I went through with the whole electrocution.

All of a sudden, I hear Peter's voice echo outside.

"Max! It's me Spiderman! You wanted me and here I am!"


Max disappeared after he touched the light bulb that was in the middle of the room. After Max left, I tried to figure out a way to get myself out of these restraints.

"Maria! Where are you?!" Gwen's voice called out my name. I was so happy when I heard her voice. "Gwen! Gwen! I'm here!"

Gwen appeared opening the door to the room I was placed in. "Gwen!"

"Maria! Oh my God, what happened?" Gwen said when she saw me strapped to the chair.

"I promise to tell you everything, but right now I need you to release me from these damn restraints," I told Gwen. She nodded and started unstrapping me from the metal chair. After she finished unstrapping me, I tried to stand up but instantly ended up falling into the concrete ground after losing my balance. "Fuck," I muttered under my breath. Gwen bent down and wrapped my arm around her shoulders to help me stand up.

"Where is Peter?"

"He's upstairs dealing with Electro. I have to get you out of here and go help, Peter."

"No, I'm coming with you," I said between breaths.

"No, you're not Maria. You can barely walk! You need to get into safety."

"Gwen, I promised Peter that I would help him whenever shit gets too heavy for Spiderman to handle alone and I meant it." Gwen looked me in the eyes before scoffing. "Has anyone ever told you that you are stubborn?"

I smiled at her, "Yes, all the time."

"We need to get to the central power grid of Oscorp and reset the power and turn in it back on when Peter tells us to."

"Okay, okay, let's get to work. Lead the way."


Gwen and I finally reached the top of the central power grid of Oscorp and found the switch that resets the power. I watched Peter fight Electro through the big windows and felt helpless. Peter worked on connecting six power lines together with his spiderweb as Electro tried to stop him from doing so.

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