Chapter 9

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When we exited the complex, Harry said he needed to make a business call and I was left alone in the lobby. My phone made a dinging sound letting me know I had received a new notification. It was Peter. 

Tarantula: When are u coming home??

me: prob Monday why? 

Tarantula: I need ur help... 

me: what happened?? 

Tarantula: its better if u see it for urself.

me: I'll try my best to get home asap today

As I put my phone in my pocket Harry stepped out to the lobby. "Is everything fine?" I asked him out of concern. 

"Yeah, fine. Do you want to go to Central Park?" Odd. He was acting strange. My senses are telling me that he's hiding something. I smiled at him, "Sure." We stepped out of the lobby into the street. Loud honking noises, people walking past each other in a rush, and many of them had to hold their phones with their shoulders while holding too many things. That's the New York City I adore. When I wanted to start walking on the pavement in the direction of Central Park Harry pulled me back by my wrist. I turned to him raising a brow in question, "What?" He simply smiled and led me to the car that was parked next to where we were standing. "I called a cab." 

"You know it's okay to walk sometimes, it's a good form of exercise." 

"But it will take us forever to get to the park. We might get there in an hour." I turned away from him to roll my eyes at the fact that he was right. Can't stand it when people try to prove me wrong even though I am wrong at the moment. I turned back around to face him again and fake-smiled at him. "Okay then. We'll do it your way."

Harry smiled back at my fake enthusiasm and simply opened the door for me pointing his open palm to the back seats of the car. I let out a sigh and walked towards the door he had opened for me and climbed in. Soon after he followed behind and closed the car door shut.

The ride was kind of awkward for me. He was on the phone calling his business colleagues talking about something I can't understand. I looked out the window, waiting to reach our destination but the driver kept taking the long roads instead of the shortcuts. That action made me more suspicious of Harry's plans.  

These last couple of days he has been acting very suspicious towards me. I can't explain it but I just feel this energy from him. An evil one. An energy that is willing to destroy other people's lives just so they can have what they want in the end. 

I looked over to Harry and he sent me a smile which I returned. Soon after he hung up on his colleague whom he was on the phone with. He placed his hand on my thigh in a loving manner. I pulled myself away from the window and scooted towards Harry. I leaned in to kiss him but then the car stopped. The Schaeffer turned his head towards us and said, "We're here." 

Harry handed him cash and both of us quickly got out of the car. The car soon drove away and he intervened his hand in mine. "Let's take a walk." 

I walked around the park hand-in-hand with Harry. It was a little windy at this time of the hour. After what seemed like walking for five minutes, he started walking toward a tree. As we got close I noticed that there was a picnic blanket set up under the tree and there was also sushi, bottled water, and a something box with a ribbon over it. 

We both sat down on the blanket and he handed me the box. "What's this?" I asked him with a smile on my face. 

"It's for you." 

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