Chapter 7: Barbie Bella

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Chapter 7: Barbie Bella

Bella POV

Knock Knock, Gah ! whos Knocking on my door, I rolled over and looked at my clock, Its god damn 9am, Its the holidays.

"Isabella Marie Swan get your bum out of bed." Emmett called he is leaving to go to new york in a few hours.

"Go away Emmy-Bear" I mumbled through my pillow

"Cant do that because I have a pixie next to me" He said

"Alice" I sighed and I got up.

I glared at Alice and Emmett.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked

Alice stood in the frame onf my door with a huge grin on her face.

"Why do you have that grin ?" I asked getting scared.

"Well tonight is pre thanks giving dinner and I have the perfect outfit so today its Barbie Bella time" Alice said holding up some shopping bags.

"No !" I said in shock, "You did Barbie Bella the last day before winter break, Im drawing the line Alice" I added.

"But Bella its thanks giving, Edward is wearing a suit, Im wearing a dress, Please let me do Barbie Bella and I will let you dress me in anything for the first back to school after the winter break" Alice said with a grimace.

"The whole week" I said making a deal.

Alice grimaced once again, shes chewed on her lips for a bit as I did, Barbie Bella wont come out to play unless she agrees.

"Okay a week" she said, she came prancing in the room and stuck her small hand out to me, I shook it and climbed out of bed and went into the ensuite, I ran a shower and came back for my fluffy robe and towel and climbed into the shower because I know its going to be a long day.

I slowly stepped out of te shower and Seen Alice Covered my vanity with make-up

"First I'll put on this lovely mask its made of Mango and passion fruit" she said putting the thick paste on my face. "Once its on your face then I will give you a manicure and pedicure"She added

I lay my head back and relaxed to the torture Alice is giving me, I know if I fuss she will make it worse but I am looking foward to dinner tonight with Alice and Edward. I got them their gifts and Their parents one aswell, they suffered me coming over at nights when Edward and I had biology projects while Alice went to Jessicas and suffered her gossip.

Anyway, I got Esme a very complicated Cross stitching Kit, she was going on how she was needing a new hobby and I noticed that she hadnt tried her hand at cross stitching.

It was hard getting Carlisle so I asked Edward what his dads hobbies were and Seemingly Chess is so I noticed a Glass chess set, each peice made of clear and frosted Glass.

Alice I got a gift card to the mall no specific Shop mentioned same with Rosalie.

Emmett and Jasper got day passed to the Laser quest, boys loved that kind of thing, as long as I knew Emmett and JAsper ofcourse its the best gift I could give them.

Edward was a different story, I found out a month ago Edward loves to compose and play piano. But he already had everything for it, I wanted to get him a gift card aswell but it felt wrong, then the epiphiny hit me the other night, Edward always asked for the time or he was trying to show me some sign language but I was going for asking for the time so I bought him a watch with A Black leatherette strap with a silver face.

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