Part 6

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the next morning.

Some of the kids were already up and running around excited to the day of Christmas eve. While some were still sleeping or half asleep trying to either get up or go back to sleep.

The workers were even awake and behind the kids getting them up and ready for the day.

While in a room the four of them were still in a deep sleep. Though there was a slight changes in their positions now you could say.

Taehyung had somehow managed to get on yoongi' s mattress and was clinging to him like koala.

About Jimin and Jungkook, well don't know what to say about them. they were neither on their own mattress nor on either of their mattresses. The both of them had somehow managed to shift towards each other and had ended on the floor, in the space between their both mattress and ever cuddling with each other.

Suddenly an alarm was blazing in the quietness of the room making yoongi to wake up first as he was the one who had set the alarm in the first place.

He tried to move to get up and dismiss the alarm but undoubtedly failed, soon coming to a realization that something or rather someone was holding him down.

He looked down to see someone's hands and legs wrapped around him. He was shocked, yeah but he somehow managed to turn around to see the face of the person who was sticking to him only to let out a loud scream as the came face to face with the one and only Kim Taehyung. Startling all the others in the room.

"What?! what happened!" Taehyung said sitting straight up immediately yet still holding onto yoongi.

"Nothing happen but can you just le-" Yoongi was saying when he got cut off by a rather loud gasps coming from not so far away from them.

The both of them turned around to look at what it was only to see two people standing with a good distance between each other. faces looking like tomatoes. It was none other then jungkook and jimin.

"What? what happen?" Taehyung asked once again totally confused, this time directing it towards the two.

Yoongi was too looking at them questionably.


Jungkook P.O.V

Few minutes before when yoongi had screamed.

I got startled in my sleep from the sudden scream and opened my eyes to see what it is only to come face to face with chim who was also staring right back at me.

we both were just staring into each other's eyes trying to process what is happening. When I was suddenly getting hit by the realization of our closeness and the position we were in.

I think he probably realized it too.

As we both gasped almost at the same time, hurriedly parting from each other and standing up with some distance between us as if we just hit by an electric bolt, blushing hard. I would like to think he was too as I had no guts to look at him after probably cuddling with him the whole night.

I was lost in my thought thinking what would have happen and how we ended up cuddling that I didn't even notice we had audience. That was until I heard someone clearing their throat besides me I was brought out of my day dreaming.

It was chim.

"Oh hi guys I suddenly remembered I had to go check on breakfast preparation, I'll see you guys later on!"

And with that he had run out making the other two heads turn to look at me questionably.

I don't even know what is happening or why are they even staring at me like that. So I did What I thought would be the best.

"Uhm... Well I have to go give a call to Mr. Lee, So I'll see you guys later too!"

And with that I too ran outside.


"What even was that?" Yoongi questioned after taking a moment to process what was happening.

Taehyung shrugs, "They probably kissed..."

Yoongi looks at him in disbelieve as if he has lost his mind completely.

"What? It would be possible ok. Now anyways lets go back to sleep, I still want to sleep some more." Taehyung says pulling yoongi with him to sleep again.

"Yahh why are you pulling me if you want to sleep?! Let me go!" yoongi shrieks struggling to get out of taehyung' s hold with him not letting go of him.

And that is how their morning goes....


To be continued...

So what are your thoughts...
Do you think something is developing between jimin and jungkook? Would they ever do anything about it? Or would it just remain in their thoughts?

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