18. The Voice-mail & The Punishment

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Marshall's P.O.V.

"Daddy, that woman that took me, was she really my grandma? Cause she told me she was," Sienna asks me quietly, huge hazel eyes that are a mixture between mines and her momma's staring up at me as I'm tucking her in her bed before sleep time.

Aisha and myself usually do it together, but my wife is dealing with a lot of shit right now, her mom's death really hit her hard and she's been locking herself away in our bedroom the whole time.

I inhale a large pocket of air through my teeth, thinking on what to say to her. I could lie I suppose, but thing is I ain't like lying to my kids. Plus children are way smarter than we give them credit for.

"She was, honey," I finally admit.

"So, how come I've never met her before? And how come she said mommy didn't like her. And why would she and the mean guy lock me in a room and stuff?" Sienna asks me all sweet and innocent like.

Fuck am I supposed to tell her now, that her mother's ma was a goddamn crackhead that abandoned her own daughter and now had snatched her up for ransome?

But then wait, it gets even worse, yo, cause Sienna keeps on asking me questions. The only good thing here being that at least this girl don't seem one bit as traumatized as both myself and Aisha was worried she would be, more like curious. Sienna is my seed after all, she's a Slim Shady's kid and nothing fazes her the way it would some rich asshole's brat

"And where's grandma now?" My daughter now asks me.

"Honey, grandma is dead," I state and Sienna's big eyes widen just slightly then.

"Dad," she starts to say.

I smile and kiss the top of her head.

"Sienna, baby, one day when you are old enough to understand everything, I swear to God, both me and your mommy will sit down with you and explain everything to you. But right now it's just..."

"Too complicated for me, daddy? Okay, I get it," Sienna pouts, rolling her eyes at me just like her momma does sometimes.

Welp, glad we got that out of the way.

"Complicated is a big word, sweetheart, I'm proud of you," I smirk and kiss her head again, pulling the covers more over her and tucking them under her chin. "Now go to sleep, baby, okay? Want me to sing to you?"

"Okay, dad. But mommy usually is the one that sings to me. Can you sing the way mommy does?"

"I doubt that, baby," I chuckle. "But dad will try his best."

Afterwards, I make my way back into mine and my wife's bedroom.

Finding Aisha sitting on top of the bed Indian style, twirling a small object in her had that once I get closer, I can see that it's her cell phone. She's also got a notepad laying on the bed next to her, where she was apparently trying to scribble some sing lyrics down, presumably to get some of her feelings out.

And see normally, I would make fun of her for that, cause look at her, trying write in bulky ass notepads and shit, instead of on her phone, doing the same exact thing she was making fun of me for only days ago.

But obviously right now won't be the right time for that.

So instead I simply sit down next to her.

Aisha barely seems to even notice me being there though, seemingly lost in thoughts, lost in her own little world.

She's been like this ever since the news broke of her moms.

She completely shut down.

That whole night after us coming back home from the morgue after identifying Candance's body, she stayed deadly silent. And once again, no fucking tears, no nothing, which worried me.

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