Chapter 21

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Amanda's Pov

Parking the car in the mall parking lot I closed my eyes took a deep breath it's something I always do when my excitement from driving like as Alec says a MANIAC gets overwhelming after a much needed breath intake I turned my head to my twin and as usual he was cool as cucumber which isn't surprising because his used to my driving so I turned my whole body to see how 4 people behind us where doing

what I saw in front of me made me want to burst out in fits of laughter but I kept my composure

like the flash Alec got out of the car and went to the nearest garbage bin and started throwing up Daniel was holding on to Alex for dear life and well Alex looked like his whole life flashed before his eyes it probably did "She-She really is a maniac" Daniel said under his breath but it was loud enough for us to hear it

Maybe I shouldn't have hit the brakes right when the train was passing by it was inches that separated us from being crashed by a train but obviously I wouldn't have let that happen

Alex's phone started to ring bringing them all back to their senses "Hey mom...Uhm yha we just got here we're in the parking lot right now - where..okay" he put away his phone "They waiting at the food court come on let's go" we all got out of the car before getting out I grabbed my purse and water bottle with everyone out I locked the car the handed the keys back to Alex "Like I said I'll take care of her as if she were my own" he looked at petrified "thank you?" I walked towards Alec and handed him the water bottle "Thank you" he started to look back and forth between me and Chris like he was trying figure something out
"we missed out on a lot didn't we?"

well duh Sherlock deciding not to answer him I walked away and stood beside my twin while the rest attended to Alec When a bunch of speeding black cars started to pull in it was the bodyguards who looked panicked until their eyes landed on all of us that they visibly started to relax forgot that they would be following us

After making sure that Alec was okay and ready to go we went inside the noisy busy mall I'm regretting this already thinking that my neck pain would come back I noticed that it didn't these patches are good I should get more of them

Walking towards the food court I couldn't help but notice how the guys seemed on high alert I mean its normal in this business to always keep looking over your shoulder but the many bodyguards that were around makes me feel uneasy

Getting closer to the food court at a distance I saw Frank the twins and mom with mom pushing Isabella's hair behind her ear so it wouldn't get in her way of eating her ice cream the look of fondness as she looked between her and adien made me feel a tiny bit of jealousy scolding myself I quickly shoved that feeling away we reached their table and they all looked up "finally we ordered some food for you guys sit...alec honey you don't look so good you okay?" I bit my inner checks to stop myself from laughing "I'm okay mom just hungry" she looked at him unconvinced by his answer but decided to believe him anyway they tried to engage us into small talks but all their attempts where failing

"Δεν πεινάω"
(I'm not hungry)
"ούτε εγώ" (neither am I)
like we both read each others minds we both stood up and our noisy chairs made everyone's head turn to us obviously not caring about their questioning looks we started to leave "where are you going" mom asked and why does she sound concerned nope it's my ears I'm hearing concern when its clearly not concern why would she be a caring parent now

Not bothering to answer her back I kept on walking leaving Chris to handle it he'll catch up with me

I started at the paint store looked for a subtle not too bright colour that will make the room bright but not too bright

couple minutes into my search for paint I looked up and saw my twin walking towards me
"they agreed to wait for us at the food court while we shop
found a colour you like yet?" "Nope still looking I was thinking between Lavender and soft gray (greige) "
"I like the lavender one pick from the soft ducky tone section let's get the grey one too I've decided not to turn the room black " agreeing with him we bought them and agreed that we won't walk around with heavy tubs of paint around so we will have them delivered

After that we went to get our school supplies when that was off the list we went into a couple of clothing stores bought a whole bunch of clothes Chris was fuming because of the bags he was carrying I offered to help but he kept on saying no anyway after we got all the things we needed we headed for the food court

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