Chapter 20

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Christopher's Pov

We were walking towards the triple A Crew hehe triple A crew Alec Alex and Andrew when I noticed Alex and Alec whisper yelling at each other we weren't that far from them so I managed to hear some of their conversation
"We can't just do nothing Alex they attacked at first"
"Dad asked for us to stay out of it now stay the fuck out of it Alec" 
Andrew noticed us getting closer and quickly alerted them of our arrival and they quickly went back normal "Finally the prince and princess decided to grace us with their presence" Alec said in a condescending tone clenching my jaw I decided to bite my tongue and not respond "Alec cut it out everyone to the garage we're riding in my car" Alex said and we followed behind them

"Επιτρέψτε μου να τον χτυπήσω αυτή τη φορά και θα σας πάρω μια προμήθεια προσκόλλησης μπισκότων"
(You let me beat him up this one time and I'll get you a life supply of cookies)
I whispered to my twin feeling my blood boiling
"Δεν υπήρχε για σας γιαγιά να συμπεριφέρονται και όχι εντούτοις λάθος είναι ότι γαμημένο,
(No we promised grandma to behave plus his not completely wrong we are fucking royalty)
I couldn't agree more we are royalty chuckling I felt myself calm down a bit we got to the garage and I noticed Amanda looking around looking for her baby (her car) and it parked in between three cars one on each side and one at the park "Move the cars so I can get my baby out" my twin asked calmly dammit way to calm 

"can't the keys are locked up in da- frank's office and none of us have the keys to his office so you're riding with us" Alex said shrugging his shoulders in the process with a proud look on his face I looked around and they all seemed proud these fuckers they did it on purpose

I noticed Amanda clenching and unclenching her fist I need to clam her down before she hurts them
"well played(I said under my breath) we will ride with you"
I noticed from my peripheral view Amanda looking at me like I have grown two heads but must have sensed that I have a plan up my sleeve so she relaxed

they all seemed taken aback surprised that I agreed "oo-okay then everyone get in the car
"ON ONE CONDITION" everyone stopped in their tracks
"see I only feel comfortable in a car when my dear twin here is the one driving so I'll get in that car if you guarantee me that my twin will be behind the wheel and I be sitting in the passenger seat"
Alex seemed a bit hesitant but desperate too
"Just let her drive bro she'll probably drive slow anyway" Andrew chimed in
I had to stop myself from laughing out loud "Okay but I love this car okay so please don't scratch it alright" he said and handed Amanda they keys "I'll put in the location so we don't have to constantly direct you"
"I'll take care of her as if she was my own
alright then everyone get in" Amanda said she had a mischievous glint in her eyes and I had to stop myself from laughing like a maniac because of the excitement I was feeling I got in the passenger seat adjusted my seat and put on a seat belt Amanda did the same

"you guys should put on your seatbelt you know for safety purposes"
Alec chuckled "what are you a safety instructor plus don't you trust your twin" I tried to warn them
"I trust her with my life but" I said putting up my hands "I can't force you guy's to put on a seatbelt so suit yourself "

Amanda carefully and slowly backed up out of the garage and slowly drove out the driveway we got to the gate the guard opened it she drove on to the road and slowly stopped at the stop sign but we call it the staring line

"Sei pronto?"
(You're ready?) my twin asked with a hint of excitement in her voice as she was revering the engine
this will relive her stress a little I thought worriedly looking at the patch on her neck 
"Come sarò mai"
(As I'll ever be)

I looked at the rearview mirror and noticed their faces go from smiling ear to ear to mildly concerned
"Ultimo avvertimento, signori, allacciate le cinture di sicurezza"
(Last warning gentlemen put on your seatbelts)

as soon I said that she stepped on it

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