Chapter 3

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We got an ear full of a lecture from granddad basically him telling us that we needed to slow down take a break go on vacation etc but before he could continue I interrupted him sensing that something is wrong Amanda sensed it to because she looked at at me with  concern in her eyes

"We'll get some rest we promise don't worry so much. Now what's really going on you were supposed to come here next week and grandma isn't here with you, you guys are always together and your fingers keep taping the table" a habit he has when his really as in really stressed he sighed and looked at us
"my grandson is so observant   grandma...she-she's not okay" my heart sunk after hearing that "not okay what do you mean?"

I finally looked at him as in really look and he looked so tired dark eye bags were starting to to appear it hurt to see the whole reason I even wanted to work hard and take over as capo was to take off the weight off his shoulders and let him enjoy his retirement with grandma

"She's at a hospital recovering from surgery"

Amanda stood up angrily "SURGERY AND YOU DIDN'T CALL US!!? "you could hear the concern and anger in her voice "watch your tone young lady I'm still your grandpa, she said I shouldn't tell you. You know how grandma is wanted to deal with it first until it was done she didn't want to put more stress on you guys"

that's grandma for you fights her battles with grandpa because she doesn't want to worry anyone.
"you have to understand Amanda's pain grandad you had to go through this alone. How is she?" I stood up and held my sister in my arms she was hurting bad our grandparents where like the parents we never had granddad was our dad and grandma our mom.
"She's stable getting better she's getting discharged tomorrow and she wants to see you"

"We will be there" Amanda shifted from my hold went to grandpa and gave him a tight hug the only time you will see me and my twin vulnerable is when one of us is going through something and the only people to ever see us vulnerable is each other so for her to go and hug grandad like that and start crying this is hitting her harder than I thought granddad comforted her till she started to fall asleep he laid her on the couch I put a blanket over her and pillow under her head

I walked granddad to the door he turned around " you've been working yourself really hard son you need to rest both of you I'm extremely proud of you and your sister but son you have to slow down sometimes I even regret letting you two take over the business at such a young age."

I knew he was worried we got into this business at a young age the things we've seen the things we had to do but I would do it all over again just to hear grandpa say his proud of us.

"you didn't force us into this grandad we choose it ourselves you and grandma have been nothing but supportive and we appreciate that"

I went in for a hug the only people I will ever hug Mandy Grandpa and Grandma. He smiled went into his Mercedes-Benz and drove off while waving goodbye. I sighed I could feel the events of today weighing down on me but there was no time to wallow in myself pity time to go back to work. I picked Amanda up went to her room and laid her down gently I'm glad she's getting some sleep we've been so busy these past few months that we haven't got time to rest I kissed her forehead and set her alarm to 10:00 pm I know she'll be mad but we have mission but before I could walk out her door  I had a mischievous plan it's been a while since I pulled a prank on my dear twin I thought to myself careful not to wake her up I started executing my plan I  set up a bunch of cameras so I could get all angles I sniffle a laugh and walk towards our office our rooms are on the same floor for precaution and so that I could be close to my twin when she has nightmares

As soon as I enter my phone receives a call I don't even look at the name and answer it with my Cold monotone voice I answer "Hello?" I hear some shuffling who is this I look at my screen I don't notice this number "Who the fuck is this spe..."

before I could finish they ended the call the heck I don't take kindly to calls like this you'll never know if it's a prank call or a threat so I immediately called our teach guy who so happens to be our best friend Craig He picked up the phone on the first ring "boss" that's why I like him he answers immediately

"I need you to track a call its I'll send you the number I need to know by tomorrow who this person is"

"on it boss uhm is...hows Amanda"

His had a crush on her since High School I know Amanda likes him too but I think they too sacred to peruse something together because me and Craig have been friends for a long time and you know the whole dating your brothers best friend topic I won't show them that I've caught on tho I'll just let it be for now.

"Not going to ask how's your best friend we haven't talked in like weeks"
"I..I yha bro how are you?" got him stuttering I was going to continue teasing him but there's work to be done.

"Cat got your tongue... She's good get the job done Craig"

I dropped the call and went back to work.

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