Chapter 15

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Amanda's Pov

Glad that everyone stopped asking stupid questions and went back to normal instead of starring at us like some exotic animals on display and started chatting among themselves I went back to eating

Chris was also starting to lose his patience I was too but we need to be on our best behaviour for grandma so I'm holding back all the sarcasm and foul things I want to say to them

"小心不要说出我们所有人的语言,他们知道他们可能会明白他们的一些" (careful not speak every language we know they might understand some of them)  I whispered to Chris making sure that he was the only that could hear me he gave me a little thumbs up and went back to eating after Bella's little choking incident it reminded me that we are surrounded by people we don't know what their true intentions are and if we could ever trust them I know what are the possibilities that a 11 year old knows Norwegian but they are children of a powerful ruthless ranked at no.2 mafia and they could be training when

I remember when Chris and I started training grandpa made sure that we learnt a bunch of languages so that we may know what our non English speaking enemies where saying all I know they could be receiving the same training so we have to be careful 

"okay now that everyone is finished with dinner time for dessert" dammit dessert although I won't admit it out loud the food was pretty good but there is noway that she knew that a creamy tortellini soup with sausage was my favourite and honey garlic steak bites which is Chris's favourite food only one women know that and that's grandma she must've asked her ohh well I got to eat my favourite feel good meal and Chris seems happy too even tho I'm the only one who can tell to the rest he just looks like a normal guy who just eating his food she's on a role huh I hope it tiramisu even tho no one can ever make it like grandma 

"I know how you guys loved peach cobbler when you were kids always begged me to do and you would cry whenever you'd wake up and one of your brother ate it all up"

my heart sank I hate peach cobbler especially all the memories it comes with I'm actually deadly allergic to peach cobbler it will kill me how did I find out it way before mom discovered baking and us lying saying we love it I found out in preschool that I was allergic a friend had bought it for lunch and offered me some I ate it and after a while I couldn't breath I started scratching my throat trying hard to breath my friend quickly called for our teacher Mrs Elda  noticed the symptoms right away took and emergency apepen and well the rest is history our in parents were calked but they never came because they were both so busy so Mrs Elda wrote a letter detailing the incidents that had happened and told me to give it to them as soon as I got home I was going to give to them but when we got home Alec told us that mom and dad were going to be gone for a couple of weeks something about business I was a kid and I forgot all about it and lost the letter

the reason Linda thinks I love her peach cobbler is because every time she would dish it up for us she would come back to two clean dishes not knowing that my twin brother ate it for me I tired telling her but I noticed how happy she was that we liked her peach cobbler so we lied to protect her feeling in hindsight we should have told her but we were young kids trying make our mom happy

Chris knowing that I hate peach cobbler took my plate and threw on to his plate

"amanda don't you like the peach cobbler I can make you something else"

"Moms cooking not good enough for you princess?" alec said uuh he finally speaks his been starting daggers at us thru out the diner Chris noticed me reaching for the butter knife now I know to others it may look like an unrealistic weapon but at the speed and strength I can throw it at may be do some damage 

"alec's okay I can make you another desert" Linda spoke up

"I'm allergic to peaches and no you don't have to do another desert" after I said that Alec stood banging the table dramatic not fazed at all by his little tantrum crossed my arms and looked up at him

"you're not fucking allergic to peaches mom worked her fucking ass off to prepare dinner  for you and you should show some fucking appreciation" ooh he thinks his intimating me I would have loved to show them my crazy side on a another day but ohh well sorry grandma 


"But mom she's lying can't you see"

"he's right I am lying...I'm sorry Linda I'll eat your peach cobbler"

Now I know this is shit dangers  but ohh well I took a fork took a big chunk of the peach cobbler off my twins plate put in my mouth and started chewing

"see spoilt brat acting like she's to good now to eat our food" they kept on going back forth when I felt my airway closing up time to cause a scene  I deliberately causers the glass of water to tip over the noise of the glass shattering caused everyone to turn their attention to me I started starching my throat trying to let air in why am I subjection myself to such torture again 

"ooh my goodness she's choking" Bella screamed  
"She's not choking she really is allergic!!" Andrew said there was a commotion next ahh chaos music to my ears "GET MY CAR KEYS ADIEN, ANDREW YOU CARRY HER TO THE CAR WE HAVE TO GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL QUICK " with all my might I looked in Alec's direction wanting to see his reaction concern guilt was all over his face I got the reaction I wanted  feeling my self fade a little I noticed my twin casually get up walked over squatted took out an EpiPen and well the rest is history taking a deep breath finally being able to breath again I laid there for a while

I noticed everyone sighing relief washing over them

I looked up my at my twin who was starting daggers into Alec "she is fucking allergic you fucking piece of shit...Thank you for the dinner but amanda needs to get her rest" killing them kindness he walked over turned around squatted and I got on to his back and we headed to our room leaving Alec with a bunch of angry people

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