SHINSOU HITOSHI | back to us?

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L/n y/n: student in 1-C , childhood friend of Shinzou
Quirk : whatever you wish-
Shinzou's thoughts
Y/n's thoughts.

It was finally break time. After a month of torture it was finally over. Exams are over and you had passed too! Now finally you had the time to relax. You were in your dorm room reading a book as you sat beside the window. But you couldn't concentrate on the book as your thoughts lingered on a certain purple haired ...hero. Yeah..hero. He had been training under Aizawa for a while now. He had become a hero in training thanks to Aizawa.
" bored..." you sighed looking at the cloudy sky. "Wonder what Hitoshi is doing" you mumbled. You stared outside seeing the nature as a soft smile crept onto your face. Two butterflies roaming, flying around each other. They seemed as if they were the most happiest creatures on the earth right now. "Bet he is training again" you thought trying to get your attention back to the book in your hand.

"You need to be more quick and alert kid!" Aizawa said realising Shinzou from he tight grip of his carbon scarf as well his quirk ... Shinzou nodded, standing up as he tried to catch up his breath. "This time I will..." he muttered as he got back into position. "Better-" Aizawa was cut off as his eyes went blank. Shinzou smirked as his sneak attack finally worked. He leaned on the tree as he smirked and wrapped Aizawa with his own wip before releasing Aizawa from his quirk. "Guess you passed my expectations in sneak attacks Huh?" Aizawa smirked as he was amused by the development of his pupil.
"Well it was you who told me there were no rules today..." Shinzou said exhausted as he removed his grip on Aizawa. "Good work kid, that's it for today and take a day off tomorrow since I have work and you prolly need rest as well!" Aizawa announced as he was satisfied with Shinzou's improvement. "Keep that up and don't overwork yourself" he added. "Ok sensei ,thanks..." Shinzou nodded. After a bit of a walk he came back to 1-C dorms. It was almost 4pm and he was tired as hell. He just wanted to and sleep-"oh! Hitoshi, you're back early today" you chirped as you came out from the kitchen with a glass of water in your hand.
You saw his tired figure standing in the common area as you winced at his bruises. "Uh here, have some water" you offered the glass of water which was originally meant for yourself but after seeing him...he definitely needed it more. "Thanks..." he mumbled and chugged it down. "I'll go freshen up and sleep" he grumbled. "Oh! Uh okay!" You said taking back the glass. After a few minutes Shinzou was out of shower and went straight to his room to take a quick nap....or a long one.
He opened the door to see you on your phone along with some of his favourite food in a tray on his desk. "Oh hey! your back, I almost thought you slept in the shower !" You stood up from his bed laughing as he rolled his eyes. "I knew you would be hungry so yea you better eat and no I won't take any excuses" you looked at him as he sighed nodding. He sat down beside you as you gave him his plate. He ate it up quickly and sighed. "Thanks y/n... what would I do without you" he said a little sarcasm in his voice. "Prolly passed out by now" you replied back laughing. "Yea am about to pass out now anyways" he said as he fell back onto the bed kicking you slightly in the process. "Hey! Watch were your ..falling!" You yelled at him, annoyed. "Sorry...." He mumbled immediately slipping into his slumber soon after. "What am I going to with this asshole" you facepalmed as you stood up to leave.

Soon it was dinner time and everyone had come down except for Shinzou. "Hey y/n! Go call Shinzou down" your class rep told as she saw you coming out of your room..yawning. "Ah! He had food at 4 and he is sleeping now, I'll give him later if he wants, I'll eat later too!" You said bowing and going to get a drink for yourself and going back into your room again. You had fallen asleep soon after you finished reading your book and you woken up now due to the noise outside your room by the other classmates of yours. " I'll finish the rest of my sleep...Shinzou did rub off me..." you mumbled going back to sleep. After a 2hours you woke up again, due to the grumbling of your tummy.
     You walked into the kitchen to get yourself some food. "Hmm maybe I should give Shinzou some too.." you mumbled as you went towards the kitchen. "Ack-" you yelped as you saw someone move in the dark kitchen. You immediately switched on the lights and let out out an annoyed sigh. "....Shinzou....ever heard of lights!?" You whisper yelled seeing him stand near the fridge and staring you. "Uhh....didn't want others to wake up?" He asked rather than say. "Whatever, since your hungry as well let's eat together" you said pushing him aside and opening the fridge. "Hmm class rep did pack us both food" you grinned. "Huh?" Shinzou stated at you confused. "Go sit I'll bring them in 5" you said as he obeyed. After heating the dinner you both silently ate it and went to wash the dishes.
      "You really had to wash em now?" Shinzou asked drying the plate. "Well yea! We ate in them so we gotta clean em and you slept too long anyways might as well move a bit" you smirked internally. " still too tired" he yawned as he dried the last dish. "Oh really? Is it just not your laziness?" You asked laughing. "Maybe" he shrugged. "Ha...I can't sleep now I slept a lot too" you sighed. "Hmm? I thought you were reading or something" he asked looking at you. "Yea I fell asleep soon after finishing the book...your really rubbing off me these days" you glared at him playfully. "Oh my! Let me fix it then" he joked. "If your gonna use your quirk, no thanks" you said shaking your head. "Hey..that was one time and you slept well too" he said raising his hands in defence.
     "Slept well my ass, I couldn't wake up for a day" you grumbled. "Okay that was when we were kids, we were like 7! It's not gonna happen now" he rolled his eyes. "Still not risking it" you said. "Ok...since am wide awake now as well....why not watch some funny cat videos until we fall asleep" he suggested. "...I don't see why not" you said nodding. "Okay, so my room or yours?" He asked. "Yours Definitely, you have nice pillows" you smiled. "It's always for my pillows isn't it" he smiled and glared at you. "Well they are too comfortable dude" you shrugged. You both went to his dorm while making sure no one is watching you both. Soon you were in his room as he searched for the best cat videos and you prepared the pillows and bed to sit. "All done!" You both said in unison before looking at each other and laugh.
      "You still set the seats same y/n" he said sitting down beside you and putting the videos on his tab. In no time your were both laughing before watching few more videos. Yawning you leaned back into the wall. "Tired?" Shinzou asked. "Hmm no...and I've been meaning to was your training today?" You asked yawing again. "It was good. Aizawa-sensei was clearly proud of my development, he even gave me a day off tomorrow " he grinned. "And your clearly tired" he said looking at you. "Am not...and maybe we can hang out tomorrow?" You asked. "Hmm sure only if you sleep now" he chuckled as you were now hardly able to keep your eyes open. "Yea...night Hitoshi" you said as you passed out. "Pfft which dumbass falls asleep after watching cat videos" he chuckled to himself before properly tucking you in and himself passing out..... so much for funny videos.

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