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As Madeleine sat before the judge, he could feel a hole practically being burnt into the side of his head. His girlfriend, now ex, had been staring at him with intense hatred.

As they waited for the jury to return with a 'guilty' or 'not guilty', Madeleine felt uncomfortable.

The video Latte had taken was used in court, as well as Espresso's and everyone else in that crowd's witness testimonies. And of course, Madeleine's.

At last, the doors opened and the jury walked in. The judge looked at all of them, "Have you reached a verdict?"

The entire jury spoke a very clear and somewhat loud 'Guilty'. Madeleine smiled, knowing his life would finally go back to normal.

"What!? No!" His ex-girlfriend yelled out, putting on a cutesy facade, "I'm innocent! He's a liar! Liar liar liar!"

Crocodile tears started to spill from her eyes as Madeleine looked at her. His expression was empty except for a glaze of melancholy in his eyes. But it wasn't for her. It was never for her.

"He's not a liar. You're a monster." Espresso, who was in the courtroom as well for his witness testimony, replied.

The judge hit his gavel, "Order in the court!"

Everyone was silent once more.

"I sentence you to 12 years in prison." The judge spoke clearly.

Madeleine couldn't help but be a little disappointed considering that was only 2 years above the minimum. Nonetheless, happy he wouldn't have to worry about her anymore.

His ex-girlfriend was taken out of the courtroom in handcuffs as she tried to pull away. She yelled over and over that she was innocent and that Madeleine is lying.

But now she couldn't hurt him.

* * *

Madeleine was sitting in his house. Pure Vanilla had checked him over and cast a small healing spell since his worst wound was the cut on his head.

He had deep cleaned his entire house the day after the court hearing, taking all of her stuff and packing it in boxes.

He was tempted to burn it all, but he wouldn't. He was better than that.

Ding Dong

Madeleine sat up, hearing his doorbell. He stood up and walked to his front door. Opening it, he smiled, seeing Espresso.

"Hi, Espresso, what are you doing here?" He asked, his voice surprisingly quiet.

"I was just checking in on you. How are you?" Espresso asked.

Madeleine sighed, "Well, I'm doing pretty good... It's like there was this weight on my chest that's just disappeared!" He chuckled.

Espresso smiled softly, "That's because you don't have to deal with that crazy woman anymore."

"May I come in?" He asked.

"Of course!"

Madeleine opened the door for Espresso and let him in before closing the door and sitting on the couch together.

"So, what did you do with her stuff?" Espresso asked.

"I boxed it all up. I was tempted to burn it, but I'm better than her." Madeleine answered.

Espresso nodded, "If you ever change your mind, I'll be glad to burn it all for you."

Madeleine chuckled, making Espresso chuckle as well.

"By the way," Espresso began, "Latte wanted me to ask if you're up to go for lunch with us. We've spoken and we've agreed it'll be good for you to go out again. You've been shut in your house for days."

Madeleine's smile softened, "I'd love that. Just let me get ready first!" He stood up and walked into his room.

He got changed into a white T-shirt and a pair of black jeans. He brushed out his hair before walking out.

"Alright! I'm ready!" Madeleine called out, walking over to Espresso.

"Alright, let's go." Espresso said.

The two walked to the Jampie Diner, making small talk. Madeleine had to admit, he was already happy he had agreed.

When they arrived at the diner, Latte greeted them excitedly, "Hey, guys! Come on, I got us a table already!"

They sat down at their table. Madeleine looked at Latte and Espresso, "Thanks for bringing me out today. I really just... I needed this."

"Aw, you're welcome! I just never thought you'd end up going through something so horrible. At least your ex is in jail now!" Latte said, chuckling her last couple of words.

Madeleine smiled. The waitress came up and took their orders. Espresso ordered a Jelly berry pie, and Latte and Madeleine ordered hot jellyberry stew.

* * *

And so, their evening had finally reached an end. Latte called over the waiter.

"Excuse me! We're ready to pay!" She said, waving. A waiter rushed over and gave them their bill.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it." Latte declared, smiling wide. She reached into a purse she had brought and pulled out the money needed.

The waiter came by just a minute later and took the money. The three cookies stood up after neatly stacking their dishes and walked out of the diner.

"Alright, I've gotta go now. Bye, you two!" And Latte zoomed off on her teaspoon.

Madeleine and Espresso waved goodbye as she flew away. They enjoyed a quick, peaceful moment of silence before it was broken.

"Well, I hope you considered that enjoyable." Espresso said with a soft smile. Madeleine nodded.

"It was." He said, returning the smile. The sun was casting an orange glow across the kingdom as it began to set.

Espresso turned around to head home, "Goodbye, Madeleine. I'm headed home now."

Madeleine hesitated before speaking, "A-actually..."

Espresso turned again to look at Madeleine, "Yes? What is it?"

"I just wanted to say..."

Espresso watched the Paladin expectantly.

"Thank you. For helping me out of that relationship, getting her arrested, everything." Madeleine said, choking up slightly.

He still couldn't believe Espresso of all cookies had really done that for him. It made him so, so happy.

Espresso blinked before smiling once more, "Of course."

Madeleine nodded.

"By the way, I'm still up to burn your ex's stuff for you." Espresso reminded, making Madeleine chuckle.

"Got it. Thank you, Espresso Cookie."

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