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ᴍᴀᴅᴇʟᴇɪɴᴇ ᴄᴏᴏᴋɪᴇ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ

"She's right."

He froze. Even Espresso agreed.

So I should be grateful she's my girlfriend, right?

"Oh." Madeleine muttered, "Okay..."

"I'm not done, Madeleine." Espresso said, his voice blank.

"She's right. She's way out of your league because you're hundreds above her." He clarified.

Madeleine looked at Espresso, his eyes glistening with new tears.

Madeleine looked at Espresso, his eyes glistening with new tears

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"What..?" He whispered. Was he serious?

"You heard me." Espresso stated firmly.

Madeleine smiled as a tear fell down his cheek. He wiped the tear with his hand, sniffling.

"You mean it?" He asked, his voice still soft.

Espresso looked Madeleine in the eyes sternly. Madeleine almost thought he was going to say he didn't.

Espresso smiled softly, "I mean it... I'd usually never say this in front of anyone, but this is an exception."

Espresso placed his hands gently on both of Madeleine's shoulders as if to ask before pulling him into another hug. Madeleine nodded ever so slightly, being held close once more.

"Madeleine, you're the kindest, most caring, and most amazing cookie I've ever met. Though sometimes unwanted, you do help me to take better care of my needs, and I thank you for that. You don't deserve to be treated so horribly."

Madeleine couldn't believe what he heard. Not only did it make him so happy to hear that, but it also sounded so genuine too...

Madeleine's eyes filled with more tears before spilling out. He hugged Espresso as tight as he could, crying. But this time, they weren't of sadness. More so, of joy.

ᴇꜱᴘʀᴇꜱꜱᴏ ᴄᴏᴏᴋɪᴇ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ

When the two finally split from the hug, Madeleine had a big, dumb grin on his face, though his face was still wet from tears. Espresso gently grabbed Madeleine's hands, standing up and pulling the Paladin up with him.

"Now, Madeleine?"

"Yes?" He responded quickly.

Espresso placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked Madeleine in the eyes seriously.

"She's not good for you. Promise me you'll get help. Break up with her, call the cops on her, go to therapy?" Espresso asked, keeping his grip gentle as to not trigger any memories from occuring

Madeleine was hesitant to respond. A few seconds passed before he answered.

"... I promise."


ᴍᴀᴅᴇʟᴇɪɴᴇ ᴄᴏᴏᴋɪᴇ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ

He was walking home. He was nervous as he neared his house.

Tomorrow, he thought. Tomorrow I'll report her to the police.

She'd get suspicious if he was late getting home. And he didn't want her to get suspicious.

He unlocked his door and went inside, bracing himself for yelling, screaming, anything.

But to his surprise, it was quiet. He peered into the living room.

His girlfriend was drunk on the couch. There was another, entirely unfamiliar guy there with her and they were making out.

Madeleine couldn't bring himself to feel unhappy. He did, though, immediately turn around and walk to his room once the guy began to remove his shirt.

Great, they're gonna have intercourse on my couch.

He heard a light thud.

Or on my floor.

He changed into his bedclothes, setting his armor on its mannequin.

His door was slammed open. He turned around to see his girlfriend with an empty wine bottle.

I don't remember having wine or any alcohol in my house...

He had originally assumed the two had come from a bar. Most likely Sparkling's bar, but he just guessed that she must've bought the wine and brought it to his house instead of her own.

He wouldn't be surprised if she had gotten it completely for free. Her little charming demeanor was... Strong. Until she was this drunk, of course.

His girlfriend stumbled while just standing, "Hey! You- hic! youu... you get ovaa hee! Hic!"

Madeleine shook his head, standing up. "No. You're drunk. And you're a terrible drunk."

"I said - hic! Get.. oveeer... Hic! Heeyaa!" She yelled. Madeleine looked out the window to see the guy she was with stumbling away with a beer bottle.

Madeleine ignored her. He just looked out the window, smiling softly as he saw Espresso in the distance.


Madeleine fell to the floor and screamed out as the wine bottle shattered on his head. Blood dripped down his head as he groaned in pain.

"Wh-what in the Divine..?" He looked up, seeing his girlfriend with a now broken bottle.

"Youz better LISSTEN WHEN I- hic! WHEN I SPEAK!" She yelled, kicking Madeleine in the side.

He tried to stand but she grabbed his hair and slammed him on the floor.

"Howzabout wee... Hic! Have a bitta funz?~"

Madeleine pushed her off of him harder than he actually meant to and stood up, knowing exactly what she meant. The first time, she was sober. Now, she's drunk and he can't even fathom how much worse it would be.

Not again...

He rushed out of the room and slammed the door behind him, running up his stairs and into his guest bedroom.

He locked the door behind him right as she reached it.

"Madzelunn! You get outta- hic! there!" She yelled.

Madeleine ignored her, knowing she'd forget the following day. He was still on edge. A tear slipped down his cheek as he trembled.

"I'll fuckin kill ya! I'll tell- hic! everyone you're horrible and abusive and... And... Uhh... Hic! I'll get ya arrested!"

Madeleine sat in the corner of the room and began to cry. He placed his hands on his head. He knew she'd sober up tomorrow and likely wouldn't drink again for a few weeks.

He could hear her scream out insults and threats from the other side of the door.

He tugged at his hair, practically about to rip it out. He couldn't take it anymore.

If she found out he told someone, everything would crumble right before his very eyes. His life would be destroyed, and everyone would hate him.

Even the one person he genuinely loved.

Espresso Cookie.


But that was wrong.

It went against the Divine.

Coffee and Cake | Cookie Run Kingdom (Espresseleine)Where stories live. Discover now