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He felt loved, right?

He felt happy, right?

He was okay, right?

He wasn't in pain, right?

Madeleine cried. She loved him, didn't she? And he had to love her too. She said it herself.

"You'll learn to love me. You know you have to."

He did know. He knew he had to. Her voice echoed through his mind with her harsh, painful words. But they were to help him. Weren't they?

She said them so he could be perfect for her. The perfect little boyfriend. Like a willing slave.

But he couldn't understand why it had to hurt so much. Why? Why did she have to say such cruel words? Why did they have to hurt him?


He yelped at the alarm clock, his hands immediately slamming on its button. It was 7:00 AM. The usual time he'd wake up.

He rubbed his eyes in exhaustion. It was another day he'd patrol... He had been up all night, thinking to himself about everything she said and did. She said it was for his own good. Surely that means it's true, right?

He would've stayed home that day if it weren't for his girlfriend's presence in the house. She'd scream at him for being lazy or irresponsible.

He stood up, getting ready in his armor.

It was his routine, after all.

He went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He looked in the mirror, paying attention to all of his bruises.

His routine, after all

He grabbed the foundation she bought him and applied it with a beauty blender until it looked at smooth and natural as possible.

Routine, after all.

He finished getting ready completely. He would've said 'bye' but if he woke her up, he'd get yelled at again.


He opened the front door and left. Nobody would even notice he wasn't smiling. She had managed to push them all away. He felt alone.

But she always said it was for his good, that they'd all hurt him, that they all hated him.

She wouldn't lie, right? That would go against the Divine, to lie about something so serious...

Madeleine went about his route, making sure not to look at or converse with anyone. He stayed closer to the outskirts, checking the forests for any cake monsters.

He's felt as if he had significantly more freedom when he patrolled the perimeter of the kingdom ever since he started dating his current girlfriend. He enjoyed it. It was as if he was a bird that slipped out of its too small cage and was finally flying free.

Just to be caught and trapped in it all over again.

Each and every day he lived.

He looked down at his feet as her harsh words echoed in his mind once more.

"You're pathetic. You're nothing without me."

He shook his head. She only said that so he could become the best person he can be, right?

"Now, people only talk to you because of me, once I'm gone, you'll be all alone."

But it still hurt, so, so much.

"You don't deserve me, anyways. I'm way out of your league."

How could he forget about it this time? Not after what she did to him...

A tear fell down his cheek.


And another.

Don't cry!

It felt like an hour passed as the tears fell down his cheeks.

You have no reason to cry!

He wiped the tears off his cheek. He sniffled as another tear slid down his cheek. He wiped that one too.

"Your life is too good for you to be sad!"

Yeah... Yeah, that's right... He can't be sad. His life is perfect. He had to be happy.

Madeleine looked up, freezing as he locked eyes with Espresso Cookie. He smiled and waved to the coffee mage. He must've been forced to get a day of fresh air by Latte.

Espresso just stared at him. Madeleine had a nervous sweat form on his forehead. Had he seen him cry? No, not possible... It was only for a few seconds...

As Madeleine blinked, he realized, no, he was not crying for what felt like an hour. He was crying for an hour.

It was around 7:30 AM when he got to the perimeter. It was 8:34 AM.

Madeleine's smile faded.

(Faster than Chili Pepper and Custard iii disappeared from the main story in CRK)

Someone had seen him cry. Him, Madeleine Cookie. Him, who has the perfect life.

He turned and began to speed walk away as Espresso took one step towards him. Madeleine wanted to avoid talking to Espresso because he knew he'd ask why he was crying, after all, it's unusual for him, Madeleine Cookie, to cry.

He couldn't be seen crying. He can't cry. The happy Madeliene Cookie who has the perfect life can't cry.

Madeleine was stopped by Espresso somehow appearing in front of him, blocking his path.

"Ah- Espresso? Ahem, uh- hm- Hi!" Madeleine smiled, knowing full well he couldn't just turn around and leave. Espresso could just grab his hand and pull him back.

Espresso looked at Madeleine, completely silent. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes.

Madeleine grew nervous at the silence. He took one step back. He didn't know what to say at that moment. He just turned around and started to walk away again.

Espresso finally, loud and clear yet quiet enough only Madeleine would hear, spoke, "What did she do?"

Madeleine froze. He turned around and looked at Espresso. "Wh-... Whatever do you mean..?" His voice quivered slightly. How could Espresso even know she did anything?

"Your girlfriend. What did she do to you for you to act so differently?" Espresso clarified. Madeleine was confused. What did Espresso see or hear?

Madeleine panicked on the inside. If she found out Espresso had caught on, things could go wrong and his whole life would be ruined and she'd ditch him and he'd mean nothing to anyone and everyone would hate him and he'd be lonely and shunned and hated and no one would like him and he'd be chased out and he'd suffer and-

"Madeleine Cookie!"

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