in her dream

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— Chapter 18

I said, "Young people fall in love

With the wrong people


Some mistakes get made

That's alright, that's okay

You can think that you're in

When you're really just in pain

Some mistakes get made

That's alright, that's okay

In the end, it's better for me

That's the moral of the story, babe

– The moral of the story by Ashe feat Niall Horan

Milene stood alone on the balcony of the grand palace, her heart heavy with the weight of her responsibilities

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Milene stood alone on the balcony of the grand palace, her heart heavy with the weight of her responsibilities. The moon's soft glow bathed her in ethereal light, accentuating the elegance of her features.

She had always been drawn to the night, finding solace in its quiet embrace.
Unbeknownst to her, the Darkling, with his enigmatic presence, approached the balcony. His eyes, like pools of infinite darkness, fixated upon Milene, captivated by her beauty and the tenderness that radiated from her.

With careful steps, he joined her on the balcony, his presence enveloping her in a comforting warmth. The night air carried a hint of uncertainty, mingling with a fragile desire that danced between them.

"Milene," the Darkling whispered, his voice a velvety caress, "the world can be a harsh and unforgiving place. But in your presence, I find a respite from the darkness that plagues me."

Milene turned to him, her eyes glistening with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. There he stood in his glory, an enigmatic allure that both fascinated and frightened her. Yet,still she felt a connection, an unspoken understanding.

"Aleks," she replied, her voice soft like a gentle breeze, "I see the shadows that consume you. But I also see the flicker of light within. A light that I believe can overcome the darkness."

He reached out, his hand hesitantly brushing against her cheek, as if afraid to shatter the fragile moment they shared. The touch sent shivers down Milene's spine, a bittersweet longing stirring within her.

"You see me," he murmured, his voice laced with vulnerability. "In a world where I am feared and misunderstood, you see the man behind the legend."

Milene placed her hand atop his, feeling the strength and vulnerability coexist within his touch. "There is more to you than the legends, Aleksander Morozova. I believe in the potential for redemption, for love to heal even the darkest of hearts."

A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a rare display of vulnerability. "With you, Milene, I dare to dream of a world where the shadows and the light can coexist. A world where we can find solace in each other's embrace."

In that moment, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only their connection, their shared understanding, and the hope that bloomed between them.

Together, they stood on the precipice of something extraordinary, ready to defy expectations and forge their own path.

As the moon continued its journey across the night sky, Milene and the Darkling remained on the balcony, entwined in an embrace that defied the boundaries of their world.

In each other's arms, they found solace and a love that transcended the realms of light and darkness.


Milene's eyes fluttered open, her vision blurred and disoriented. As her surroundings came into focus, she realized she was in a dimly lit, cold cell. The air was stale, and the dampness clung to her skin, sending a shiver down her spine.

Confusion and panic gripped her as she sat up, her head throbbing with a dull ache. She tried to recall how she had ended up here, but her memories were fragmented, like shards of glass scattered across her mind.

As Milene's senses sharpened, she noticed the heavy iron bars that confined her, casting long shadows across the floor. The cell was small, barely enough room to stretch her legs.She looked around and saw other grisha were caged just like her.

Fear gnawed at her, but she refused to let it consume her. She pushed herself up, stumbling slightly as she approached the cell door. Her fingers wrapped around the iron bars, gripping them tightly as she peered outside.

The corridor was eerily silent, the only sound the distant echo of footsteps and the occasional flicker of torchlight. Milene's heart pounded in her chest as she realized she was trapped, imprisoned in this forsaken place with no knowledge of how or why she had been captured.

Her mind raced, searching for answers, but they remained frustratingly elusive. She could feel the weight of the unknown pressing down on her, fueling her determination to escape and find her way back to freedom.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps disrupted the silence. Milene's breath caught in her throat as she turned to face the source of the noise. The cell door creaked open, revealing a figure dressed in dark attire.

It was Mikhael, her brother’s friend, his face etched with a mixture of concern and anger. Milene's heart sank at the sight of him.

what is he doing here?

And what is she doing here?

“Mikhael, where are we?”

“ We are at the first army camp,” he said coldly. “Thankfully your black general’s fold hasn't destroyed everything.”

“ You will pay for it,you and the other grisha”. “ Our soldier have sacrificed so much for you all, and you betray us like this”

Mikhael approach Milene and spat at her face

“Tomorrow, General sergeant will decide what to do for all of you. Hopefully throw you all to the Fold.” he said laughing and walking away

Milene's heart wrenched at his words.she could only take a deep breath, her eyes brimming with newfound strength.

She would face the challenges ahead, confront the truth, and fight for her own destiny. Regardless of the outcome, she was prepared to uncover the secrets that lay shrouded in darkness and reclaim control over her own life.

" Oh Aleks, I miss you......."

The Stolen Heart •Aleksander Morozova•Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ