𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚?: 4

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As the family walked into the now woodsy area you lay atop Mama Bear's back, face buried in her fur. The boys had gotten a tad farther ahead, laughing and singing to each other.

You began to realize they weren't speeding up, but she was slowing down. "Are you alright?" You asked the mother bear, concern laced in your voice.

"I was about to ask you the same thing, love. You've been off. I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice. I know I'm not your mother, but you haven't seen your own in a while. So..." She turned her head slightly to look at you and you chewed on the inside of your cheek.

"There's something that... something you should know." you stop, trying to figure out how to word it. Taking a deep breath you lowered your voice, "I'm cursed to fall asleep on my nineteenth birthday." Admitting to this lifted a weight on your shoulders, but the guilt of holding it back from those you cared about settled in.

"Oh dear...but that's tomorrow isn't it?"

"Yes. By this time tomorrow...by midnight tonight..." You paused. You didn't have to say anything more for the unsaid words to be said.

"Does anyone else know?"


"What if you told Goldi and the others? Perhaps you could use that wish. I'm sure they'd be happy to help you."

You shook your head, "I want Goldi to be happy."

"You know his wish, don't you?"

You stayed quiet for a moment, "Perhaps I have a hunch about his wish. As for my curse I'd rather...not share. I don't-"

"You don't want to burden anyone?" She asked softly.

"I don't want them to feel like they have to help me. I want him to have the freedom of the wish without worrying about me."

She sighed, "You poor child...you wouldn't be burdening anyone. We all care for you."

"Thank you, Mama Bear."

"Of course love. Now, I can't force you to tell them of this, but I will encourage it. I won't tell them for you because I want you to do this on your own." She sighed, "But if you never do share with them before tonight, I will break the news."

You nodded, "Okay."

"Do tell me though, is there a cure?" She looked at you.

"Yes...true love's kiss, but we both know how rare it is nowadays. This is after the fairytale days."

She opened her mouth to respond when she noticed her sons wrestling each other, "We'll talk about this later alright? If you do need to rest let me know." She took off in a light jog.

"...you're the smash, I'm the grab. I hold the map. You got it?" Goldi had easily managed to take down his brother, pulling up on Baby's chain necklace with his staff.

"Okay!" Baby gave in.

"What? What happened?" You asked him and he lifted the map.

"It became fuzzy and weird." He frowned, lifting the map so you could see.

Leaning forward you looked over his shoulder from Mama Bear's back to properly read it. "'To find your wish, adjust your view, what you seek may be right in front of you.' Kinda sounds cliche not gonna lie." You admitted.

"Well, this is a load of rubbish. What's it supposed to mean?" He scowled with a frown. You opened your mouth to speak when you lost your words at the sight in front of you.

Sitting up straight with wide eyes you swung one leg over, Goldi followed your gaze before offering his hand to take and you took it, stabilizing yourself when you slid down Mama's back. However, he didn't release your hand once your feet were on solid ground. Instead, he held it tighter as he stared at what looked to be his home. He held the map in his other hand, which was currently relaxed by his side.

the sleeping curse | male!goldilocks x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now