Double Potions

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As the five tumble out of the portal in the Bane's residence, Kas races to the shelves littered with potion ingredients.

"You didn't tell me portal travel was gonna make me wanna barf." Simon's face turned pale as he tried to grasp his surroundings while still holding Luke up.

"You'll get used to it." Kassidy called out, still looking for the right ingredients. "Lay Luke on the couch." None of them questioned her as they brought the werewolf over. "Dad!" Kassidy yelled knowing he was in the apartmentment. "We have a problem!"

Magnus rushes into the living room to see the commotion. "What happened?"

"He was attacked!" Simon told the warlock, panic coding his voice.

"Alpha bite." Kas explained. "It happened a few minutes ago." She tossed something over her shoulder. Magnus, expecting it, catches it with ease.

"He needs a warlock." Clary pleaded. "He needs you."

"Where are you..." Luke began muttering that phrase to himself over and over again, almost like in a trance.

Clary had tears in her eyes as she stared down at the closest thing she had to a father. "Luke." Placing his hand on her check, trying to get him to respond to her panic.

"I can't find you. Where are... where are you? Where are you?" He was still repeating words as if they would bring back the woman he loved. "Jocelyn! Jocelyn..."

"No, Luke, it's Clary. Can you hear me?" She held onto his hand tighter.

"Clary, listen to me." The pain induced trance from the alpha bite broke just for a second. "Listen... you have to listen to me. I have to tell you, just in case-"

"No, don't even say it, don't-"

"No, listen to me." Luke cut her off, speaking through the pain.

"Luke." She tried to tell him again, not wanting him to waste his strength on something so trivial as talking.

"No, you need to know! Listen-" This time he was cut off by himself when he let out what could only be described as a whimper.

"You said alpha bite?" Magnus looked over at his daughter, who had grabbed a dishcloth.

"Yeah." Kassidy said as she rused back over to Luke.

Seeing it happen, Jace pulled Clary out of the way as Kas placed the rag into the werewolf's mouth, forcing him to bite down on it. "Get back."

"What are you doing?" Clary's voice went up an octave.

Only Magnus spoke. "Three, two, one..." Luke sits up as his eyes glow green, his fangs almost breaking through the cloth.

Clary leans back, watching with horror. "Oh, my God."

As Luke screams in pain, the two Bane's moved away from the sofa in different directions.

"Where do you think you're going?" Simon asked, watching them work together.

"Hold him down." Magnus bought something out of the next room. "We don't have a lot of time. Kassidy." She threw a bottle through one of the many doorways, watching as her father caught it. Popping the cork, the Warlock dropped what he was holding into the bottle, swirling it for a few seconds before pouring it into the werewolf's mouth. "It'll take a few moments to take effect."

Clary looked up at her sister, tears in her eyes. "What's happening to him?"

"Random werewolf transformation." Kas explained as she watched her dad force Luke to swallow the potion. "It's a side effect of the poison in the alpha bite." After a few seconds it began to take effect, finally letting his pain settle as he drifted into unconsciousness.

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