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Kassidy was the first to show up after Alec had called everyone. Which isn't much of a surprise, as Kas is able to summon portals with a flick of her wrist and has been to this pacific loft many times over her life. The two waited for the other to show, luckily they only had to wait a good fifteen minutes.

Jace barged into Clary's burnt room with Isabelle right behind him. "Where is she? Where is Clary?"

"She's gone." Alec said. The panic in his eyes was evident to Kassidy.

"What do you mean 'gone'?" Izzy questioned.

"She and Simon got arrested when Alec was minding the perimeter." It was the Warlock that answered that time.

"The mundane was here?" A sudden spark of jealousy hit the blonde Shadowhunter.

"Simon? He's gone, too?" Izzy felt bad for the guy, that was the second time he had been kidnapped under their watch.

"It was an unmarked car. I don't know where they took her." The archer rubbed his hair, not liking how Jace was looking at him.

"What did you do, Alec?" Jace took a step forward only to be held back when Kas placed a hand over his chest.

"He did what he was supposed to do." She answered his rhetorical question. "I can find them, just give me a minute." She held out her other hand, grabbing a shirt that Belle's had thrown at her, ready to track down her Carrot Cake.


About ten minutes had passed and Xander, Izzy, and Kas had all moved outside into the Alleyway, hoping that it'll make the tracking of the redhead and her glasses-wearing friend easier.

"Damn it, why are you taking so long?" Jace stopped his pacing as he asked the warlock of the group.

Grunting, her eyes opened. "I'm just getting flashes, nothing concrete."

"Give it to me." He thrusted his hand out, going to grab the shirt. "Alec and I need to parabatai track."

She yanked it out of his reach. "Warlock tracking's stronger. Even if you use your bond, you'll get nothing." She stated the obvious, well she thought it was with how many times she had to track someone for them.

"Then what is the point of you?" He got into her space as he basically yelled at her, causing her head to recoil at the outburst, trying hard not to show how badly it affected her.

"Jace!" Alec's voice echoed off the walls as he stared at the blonde Shadowhunter. How dare he act like it's Kas' fault? Jace knows the limits of her magic, they all do. He should know that something is blocking the signal.

Before anything else could be said, Izzy walked out of the loft, cell phone in hand as she just hung up on one of her many contacts. "Just like I thought. She wasn't arrested."

Jace then placed his anger onto the dark hair archer. "It was your job to look after her."

"I did my best, Jace." And he did. Alexander did what he was supposed to do, he followed Clary when she left the Institute and then told her coming back to the loft was a bad idea. But did she listen, no.

"Well, then maybe your mother was right and your best just isn't good enough!" Jace and Alec were nose to nose.


"Hey!" Kas snapped at Jace as she pushed herself between the two boys. If he wanted to snap at her, fine. But if he was going to snap at one of her friends, then she'll snap back. "I get it, it's been a long couple of days and we're all exhausted, but he is your parabatai,-" She grit her teeth."-start treating him like it."

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