Birthday Wishes

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Twelve years later Kassidy Fairchild, now known to the world as Kassidy Bane, peeked her hand through the covers of her many blankets on her bed to shut off her alarm. Groaning, Kas sat up, pushing away all her pillows and blankets alike.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Kassidy glanced down at her wooden night stand that held a picture of two little girls in front of a fountain in Central Park. 

"Happy 18th Birthday, Clary." Kas whispered to the photo. "I'll see you soon, I promise." Her fingers moved over the picture frame in a delicate way, almost like she was scared any more pressure it would break.

Kassidy set the picture down after a minute, when she heard a knock at her bedroom door. Shaking her head, she answered. "Come in!"

The door swung open, revealing Magnus Bane holding a tray of waffles decorated in an assortment of goodies and two candles that took the form of eighteen. "Happy Birthday Stringbean! I made you your all time favorite," He whispered for dramatic effect. "My world famous waffles."

"Thanks Dad." The blonde warlock smiled at him, but it didn't reach her eyes.

Magnus, seeing this, set the tray down on the dresser then took a seat on Kassidy's bed. "I know your birthday's are a bit bittersweet." He brushed the hair out of his daughter's face. "But, you're both of age now. You'll be able to tell her everything tomorrow." 

"I know." Kassidy sighed. "I've had over a decade to come up with something, but the only thing I could come up with is 'Hi' followed up with awkward screeching." She hugged one of her pillows to her chest. "How do I tell Clary that I'm her twin sister that she doesn't remember because Jocelyn took us to a magician and erased her memories."

"Magician?" Magnus placed his hand on his chest jokingly. "I am a warlock, not a party rental."

"You sure about that?" Kassidy raised an eyebrow. "I seem to remember a 9 year old's birthday party…" The two glared at each other before both bursting into giggles. 

Once Kassidy's dad sobered up, he changed the topic back to what concerned Kas the most. "For Clary, start at the beginning. I know if the situations were switched, she would want to start there."

The young warlock glanced at the picture frame knowing that her dad was right. "The very beginning it is then." She then snapped her fingers and the breakfast tray reappeared onto her lap. "But that's tomorrow, right now I'm going to eat my birthday breakfast that you may or may not have magic-ed into existence and contemplate what you got me." Kassidy pointed her fork at Magnus.

Magnus smiled. "You'll never guess what it is." 

"Maybe not." She shrugged. "But it's fun to speculate."

Magnus stood up and laid a kiss on the top of Kassidy's head. "Eat your breakfast." He walked over to the door and lingered.

"Yes?" Kassidy asked mid-chew.

"I love you Stringbean." He told her. "You know that right?"

She swallowed the waffle and answered. "I know Dad. I love you too."

Magnus smiled briefly and closed the door.


Kassidy was pushing through her closet filled with clothes. Trying to see what she should wear today when her phone started to buzz. Without looking down, she reached for it and answered. "Kassidy Bane speaking."

"Happy Birthday Kas!"

Kas placed the phone between her shoulder and neck. "Thanks Belles."

"Was I the first one to call?" Isabelle asked through the phone.

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