Late Night Bonding

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Inside one of the many bedrooms that littered the New York Institute, two sisters just reunited were talking about their lives with a movie going on in the background.

"I'm sorry, you were what?" Clary looked at her sister horrified.

"Kidnapped." Kassidy casually said as she took a handful of popcorn, shoving it into her mouth.

The redhead paused the movie, and gave her full attention to the girl laying next to her. "Are-are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah." Kas waved off the concern. "It was a long time ago." She went to reach for the remote to unpause the movie, but Clary pulled it away from her.

"Absolutely not." She held the control over her head. "You do not just drop that bomb on me and not explain. What the hell happened?"

Giggling a tiny bit, Kazzie began explaining. "Okay, so when I was ten most of the downworld knew Magnus Bane took in a child. Mainly because he took me to business meetings for learning purposes-"

"Learning purposes?" Clary question.

"My dad wanted me to know the dynamics of other species at a young age, so that way when I get older I'm able to take up the mantle of Brooknly's High Warlock." She cocked her head. "If he ever retires, anyways-" She continued the story. "Since my dad is the High Warlock of Brooknly, he is basically Judge, Jury, and Executioner among the warlock's in New York."

Clary popped a piece of popcorn in her mouth. "That's a lot of responsibilities for one person."

"Well, normally they have warlock's under their tutelage, second's if you will." Kas threw a piece of popcorn into the air, catching it in her mouth. "If you can't contact the High Warlock of your area, then you go to their second. I've been Dad's since I was fifteen." She scratched her nose. "Moving one. Uh-one day he did something that some people didn't agree with and in retaliation, three warlock's and a vampire ambushed us and took me hostage for nineteen hours."

"Oh, my god." Once again, the redhead took a second to process what she heard. "That's horrible, how'd you escape?"

"I didn't." The blonde clicked her tongue. "They shot me up with something that nullified my magic, so I was anciently useless but luckily, my father found me and those four were...never heard from again." She fiddled with her necklace before holding it up for Clary to see. "After that scare he made me this, whenever I'm in trouble it sends him a signal. He has a bracelet that does the same thing."

"And you were okay after this?" The shadowhunter questioned her sister, seeing that the encounter seemed to have little effect on her now.

"No, not at all." She shook her head. "I had more than my fair share of issues after that, but after time it did get better. Joking about it was definitely a big coping skill. Anyways-" she changed the topic. "-ask me another."

Clary signed before laying down. "I'm asking all the questions, that doesn't seem fair."

"Well..." Kas turned over to lay on her stomach. "I know almost everything about you, so asking questions would be kinda pointless."

The redhead snorted a little. "I just realized how creepy you are."

"Creepy?" The blonde fake gasped. "I am not creepy, I just watched you from the shadows."

"Yes." She nodded slowly, trying and failing to get a straight face. "Like a creep."

"Okay, you know what..." Kas, smiling, threw a pillow at Clary's face, who yelped as she covered her face with her arms.

"Hey!" Laughing, Clary took hold of the pillow that was thrown at her and threw it back, hitting Kas in the face with a thump.

"Oh, it is on." The warlock gave her sister a playful glare before snapping her fingers. Once the snap filled the air, ten pillows appeared in the air and began pelting the shadowhunter.

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