Sozin's Comet Pt. 2 (It's Over)

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Rhea pointed forward with her sword and a wall of flames engulfed the open square. The Fire Nation army fell back to the cover of the cramped streets.

The Captain ordered his men to cease fire and stepped up next to Rhea. "There losing ground on all sides. The White Lotus has almost pushed back to the middle ring."

Rhea looked up at the inner wall. It was so close. They could do this. "Keep them on the defensive. We can't let up until they're out of the city."

The Captain nodded and turned to the small army of men behind them. "Advance! Push them back to the wall!"

A spirited cheer erupted through the men and they pressed harder to force the soldiers back.

Rhea led the charge, bobbing and weaving between the lines of armored men, jabbing their pressure points and swiping their legs out from under them. She tried to avoid using her sword. These men hadn't asked for this war, but they'd known nothing else. That's why they fought - because they knew no other way. They believed they were doing what was best for their country.
Rhea could see the White Lotus fighting to either side. They were closing in on the palace. Soon, they would reach the center of the city. Soon, it would all be over.

"Rhea!" The Captain's voice drew her attention just in time to see a ball of fire plummeting straight toward her.

She turned and lunged forward, but the edge of the flames caught her legs and sent her sprawling across the stone road. Wincing, she tried to push herself to her feet, but a jolt of pain surged through her legs. She looked down at her now-tattered and charred pants. She could see the burns through the scattered holes.

Her eyes strayed to the Fire Nation army as they retreated further into the Upper Ring. They were so close. She couldn't stop now.

Locking her jaw and clenching her fists, she pushed herself to her hands and knees. Her breaths came hard and fast as her legs shook.

Someone offered her a hand up. She grabbed the outstretched arm at the wrist and let the Captain haul her painfully to her feet. She stumbled into his arms before steadying herself on her throbbing legs.

The Captain examined her blackened pants. "Are you sure you want to go on, ma'am?"

She met his gaze and nodded. "I have to. I need to see this through to the end."

He didn't look convinced. "Can you walk?"

She took an experimental step and bit back the pain. "I'll be fine." She followed her men into the city, hoping the Captain didn't notice her limping.
Rhea winced as she kicked a soldier to the ground. She steeled herself, refusing to fall. Swords gripped tightly in hand, she pressed forward, not allowing herself time to feel the pain throbbing in her legs. The palace was in sight.

Her men drove back the soldiers with relentless vigor. It seemed, the closer they got to the palace, the harder they fought. The hope of an ending pushed them forward with unwavering strength.

Soon, the Fire nation soldiers were fighting for their lives around the palace. The White Lotus mixed with the Rhea's rogue soldiers and in a matter of moments, the enemy was on their knees, hands raised in surrender. A dispatch of men chased them from the city.

Rhea watched them disappear among the buildings, a gleeful gasp escaping her lips.

"We did it." The Captain said behind her. "It's over."

Rhea took a deep breath and stared up at the comet blazing across the sky. "No. Not yet."
Rhea stopped when she finally spotted Iroh among the crowd. Ignoring the growing pain in her legs, she raced across the square and threw her arms around him.

He caught her in his arms, squeezing her so gently and so tightly that she never wanted him to let go. He stroked her hair and finally pulled away.

She met his gaze, reflexive tears threatening her eyes. "Is it really over?"

He cupped her face in his hands, wiping the rebellious tears from her cheek. "Yes. It is."

She stole another hug then turned to survey the celebrating crowd. A smile spread across her face as she watched the Captain and his men mingle with the citizens of Ba Song Se.

Iroh placed a hand on her shoulder. "See. You did not fail me." He watched the rogue soldiers moving through the crowd. "You led dozens of men to fight for what is right. I am so proud of you."

Rhea met his gaze and looked back at the crowd, her smile growing.
Rhea guided an old woman through a cluttered street to one of the sturdier buildings in the lower ring. None of the city had escaped the damage of battle, but the lower ring was hit the hardest. Some of the buildings were completely collapsed. Others were missing walls or windows or doors. A couple were still on fire.

She wished she could help more, but as a nonbender, she couldn't stabilize houses or put out fires. All she could do was help guide people to sage places while the benders handled the damage. 

She noticed a familiar woman staring at her, her son holding her hand tightly. Then it clicked, Rhea had protected them from thugs when she first returned to the city. The woman had had the same expression then too, like she knew Rhea.

Taking a deep breath, Rhea walked over. "Hello again."

The woman smiled as their eyes met, as if all her suspicions had been confirmed. "Hello, Rhea."

"How do you..." Even as she asked the question, she recognized the woman. "Aunt Mae-Lin?"

Her grin widened and she gave the slightest nod.

Rhea threw her arms around her Aunt, tears springing to her eyes. "I thought you were dead."

Mae-Lin hugged her niece tighter. "And I you. I could hardly believe it when you showed up riding an armadillo-wolf."

"I should've recognized you." Rhea's voice cracked over her words.

Her Aunt cupped her face in her hands, studying her features. "Nonsense. I barely even recognized you."

Rhea glanced down at the boy clutching his mother's hand. "Is this? Mikko?" She knelt in front of the timid-looking boy.

Mae-Lin nodded and crouched beside her son. "This is your cousin - Rhea." She told him.

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