We Meet Again

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Rhea stretched and sat up in bed. Pushing back the curtains, she let the sun stream in through the small window.

The rays warmed her skin and sent refreshing tingles through her tired body.

Stepping outside, she walked over to the well and drew up a bucket. She used a ladle hanging on the frame of the well to get a drink. She pushed back her thick hair and fastened it in a long ponytail, pulling a few stray strand behind her ear.

Bato walked out of his room across the courtyard and approached her.

"Sleep well?" Rhea picked up a small stone and let it slip through her fingers and plunk into the water.

He smiled and sat down. "Pretty well, all things considered. You?"

She stared into the well. "I've never really slept well."

Bato raised an eyebrow.

Rhea looked away.

He sighed. "I can see you don't want to talk about it. That's fine. I won't make you." He watched her intently. "But... if you ever NEED to talk, I'm here."

Rhea met his gaze. "Thank you."
Rhea sat with her back against the wall. Bato had gone down to the beach to spend some time alone. The air was fresh and full and the morning was cool and bright. She took a deep breath, letting her shoulders relax.

Finally standing, Rhea returned to her room. She sat on her bed and looked at her armor resting in the corner. It was taking a long time for the captain to resupply. Too long.

Loud voices interrupted her thoughts and she went outside. Her eyes widened.

Bato walked through the gates followed by Sokka, Katara, and Aang.

Rhea's heart skipped a beat and she moved to the well, clutching the side and staring into the dark pit.

"There's someone I want you to meet." Bato's voice got closer and he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Taking a deep breath, she turned.

"This is Rhea." Bato introduced. "She saved my life and helped me settle in when I first got here."

She tried her best to smile and gave a small wave.

"Nice to meet you." Katara said. "Thank you for helping Bato."

Rhea nodded. "It was the right thing to do." Her mind was racing. They didn't seem to recognize her.

"You should join us for dinner." Bato offered.

Rhea sighed. "I...'m not one for Water Tribe food."

"Are you sure?" Bato pressed.

Rhea looked at the three teens she had been chasing all this time. "I'm sure."

Bato nodded. "Suit yourself, but you're missing out."

Rhea shrugged. "Well, I guess that's my choice."
Rhea sat on the beach, watching the others on Bato's boat. They were ice-dodging, or in this case rock-dodging. It was a coming-of-age ritual in the Southern Water Tribe.

The boat drifted out of view for a while, but soon it came sailing back towards the beach.

Rhea pushed herself to her feet and walked over to where the ship ran aground. "How'd it go?"

Bato slapped Sokka on the back. "Their natural ice-dodgers."

Rhea chuckled.

Bato finished the ceremony by lining the three teens up and giving each of them a mark on their forehead. Rhea didn't know what they meant, but Sokka and Katara looked very proud of the accomplishment. Aang on the other hand looked... guilty?

Rhea raised an eyebrow. What would the Avatar have to be guilty about?

The group walked back the abbey.

Rhea went to her room. She didn't like spending too much time around the Avatar and his friend for fear of being recognized.

There was yelling outside.

Rhea jumped up and rushed to the door.

Sokka was shouting at Aang, a crumpled piece of paper clenched tightly in his quivering fist. "How could you keep this from us?"

Aang stood there taking the heat. Whenever he tried to explain, Sokka just started screaming at him again.

Katara stayed silent, staring into Aang's eyes disappointedly.

Bato stood awkwardly behind them.

Eventually, things went quiet.

Katara simply turned and said. "Come on Sokka. We're going to find dad." The siblings walked away towards Bato's room, leaving Aang alone and ashamed in the courtyard.

Rhea stepped back inside, hesitating for a moment before shutting the door. She wanted to help him, but she didn't know how. Who was she to give advise on friendship? She'd attacked the only friend she'd ever had.
Rhea leaned against the doorframe, watching as Bato, Sokka, and Katara walked out of the abbey, leaving Aang behind. She sighed. She had to do something.

Walking over to the air nomad she stood quietly beside him. "I'm sorry." It was pathetic, but it was the only thing she could think to say.

Aang hung his head. "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have hidden that message from them."

Rhea looked at him. "But you did. And, no matter how much you want to, you can't change that." She moved her gaze to the three silhouettes receding into the distance. "You just have to learn to live with your mistakes," she faced Aang. "Or find a way to fix them."

Aang refused to meet her gaze. "I don't think I can fix this."

Rhea sighed. "Then you'll have to live it." She turned aside and walked away. She could tell that she wasn't helping. Why'd she ever think that she could?
The sun was setting and Aang was packing up Appa, his flying bison, to set out for the North Pole.

Rhea sat against the wall, watching the whole thing. It was a depressing sight.

Suddenly, something crashed through the gates. A massive, hairy creature with a mole-like nose, no eyes, and shaggy brown fur bounded into the abbey.

A woman with long black hair and almost white skin rode astride the beast, a red tattoo on each shoulder.

Behind her sat Zuko and Iroh, along with an immobilized Sokka and Katara draped over its lower back.

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