When the World Caves In

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Rhea sat at one of the empty tables, waiting for Iroh and Zuko to return. It had been a quiet day. Only one or two people stopped for tea. The place was a lot less popular when Iroh wasn't around. She'd almost finished a game of Pi Sho with herself when Iroh rushed into the tea shop.

Rhea jumped to her feet. "What's wrong?" That's when she noticed he was alone. "Where's Zuko?"

Iroh finally met her gaze. "Azula is in the city."

Rhea sighed. "Don't tell me. He stayed behind to fight her."

Iroh nodded. "They've locked him in an underground prison."

She drew a long breath. "Then I guess we'll just have to go and get him."
Rhea took a deep breath before lifting her hand to knock on the door. Just as her hand moved to knock, Toph opened the door.

"Hi!" She grinned as the others' jaws dropped.

Iroh smiled warmly at her. "Hello again."

"You know him?!" Sokka stared on in shock.

Toph faced the others. "He helped me once."

Rhea shrugged. "He's basically my dad."

Iroh cleared his throat. "It seems we have a mutual problem. I can help." He gestured to the right.

The others stepped onto the porch to see and gawked at the Di Li agent bound and gagged, sitting on the deck.

Sokka's jaw dropped. "How?"

Rhea shot him an arrogant look. "We have our ways." She stepped out and turned to face them. "So, what do you say?"

Aang stared at the struggling Di Li then met the others' gazes. Finally, he locked eyes with Rhea. "We're in."
Rhea followed Aang and Iroh as they dug a tunnel under the palace towards a network of caverns where Azula had imprisoned Zuko and Katara. She hung back as they talked. This was surreal. Her worlds were colliding. Hopefully, things didn't burn down.

With a final push, Aang opened the tunnel into a bright cavern lined with green crystals. Tunnels branched off the chamber, spreading in all directions.

Rhea scanned the many dark openings. "This place is a maze. How do we even find them?"

"There." Aang spotted the pair sitting near one of the cave entrances.

Rhea raised an eyebrow. "Well that's fortuitous."

The trio picked their way to the cave floor and rushed over to their friends. Aang hugged Katara and Iroh did the same to Zuko.

Rhea stood back, not sure what to do. Both of these people were her friends, but, whoever she went to first... it felt like picking sides. Instead she stayed put. "We have to get out of here before Azula figures out we're down here."

Iroh nodded. "We should split up. That will make it harder for her to find us."

Rhea saw through his fake argument. He knew that if both groups traveled together, things would take a turn for the worst. Zuko had made progress, but not that much.

He must have read Rhea's look of panic. "Rhea, you should go with them."

She looked from Aang back to Iroh. "Are you sure?" She didn't want to leave them again, not so soon.

Iroh nodded. "Go."

Rhea returned his nod and turned to follow Aang and Katara through the cavern to the exit.
They reached a large cavern with an ancient village built into the walls and a great waterfall cascading from above. A moat of water cut out a rectangle in the stone ground and the green crystals jutted out of the walls.

As they took in the scene, a dozen Di Li agents dropped from the ceiling and rushed out of the tunnels.

Rhea turned on the nearest earthbender, gripping her sword with a white knuckle grip.

Azula emerged from the darkness of one of the tunnels. "Rhea," Her voice hissed through the cavern. "I didn't expect to see you here... with them." She glared at Aang and Katara.

Rhea moved to stand between Azula and her friends.

Azula's eyes sparked with anger. "You're a traitor."

She held her gaze. "No. For once, I'm not." She drew her sword, the blade aimed at the Fire Lord's Daughter.

Azula smirked. "You know the punishment for treason."

Rhea narrowed her eyes. "Am I flinching?"

Azula's wicked grin spread across her face. "So be it." She signaled her Di Li agents to attack.

Rhea ducked as an earthen fist flew over her head, smashing against the wall. She sheathed her sword and rushed forward. Batting the Di Li's arm aside, she moved in close and jabbed the earthbender in the chest with her knuckles. He collapsed to the ground, immobilized.

Rhea straightened and faced Azula, glaring at her old rival. She smirked at the princess's surprise. "What? Did you expect the little girl you grew up with?" She asked. "She's gone. Your father made sure of that."

Azula glowered at Rhea, blue flames ignited along her fingers.

The Di Li converged on Aang and Katara and Azula lunged towards Rhea, her eyes burning with hatred.

Rhea leaned back, falling on her hands. Blue flames blazed passed her. She kicked out with her legs, nailing Azula in the shin. She dropped to one knee and Rhea moved to punch the pressure point in her shoulder, but a wall of orange flames erupted between them.

Rhea stumbled back and turned to see who had intervened.

Zuko stood in one of the tunnel entrances, glaring at me.

I met his angry gaze. "No."

I'm so sorry guys. I was finishing another story and I got major block on what to write for this chapter.
I really hope you enjoyed it. 😊
I'll do my best to get the next chapter out soon.
Thanks for hanging in there guys. I'm really trying. I appreciate the support so much. 🥰🥰🥰

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